## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in tip_files = gpa_tips.en gpa_tips.de logo = gpa_logo.ppm pkgdata_DATA = $(tip_files) $(logo) EXTRA_DIST = $(tip_files) $(logo) bin_PROGRAMS = gpa INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/intl -I$(top_srcdir)/pixmaps LDADD = @LIBINTL@ gpa_SOURCES = gpa.c gpa.h i18n.h options.h \ gpawindowkeeper.c gpawindowkeeper.h \ gtktools.c gtktools.h \ helpmenu.c helpmenu.h \ icons.c icons.h \ gpawidgets.c gpawidgets.h \ fileman.c fileman.h \ filesigndlg.c filesigndlg.h \ encryptdlg.c encryptdlg.h \ verifydlg.c verifydlg.h \ keyring.c keyring.h \ ownertrustdlg.c ownertrustdlg.h \ keysigndlg.c keysigndlg.h \ keygendlg.c keygendlg.h \ keygenwizard.c keygenwizard.h \ qdchkpwd.c qdchkpwd.h \ keyeditdlg.c keyeditdlg.h \ expirydlg.c expirydlg.h \ keydeletedlg.c keydeletedlg.h \ keylist.c keylist.h \ siglist.c siglist.h \ gpasubkeylist.c gpasubkeylist.h \ gpawizard.c gpawizard.h \ gpapastrings.c gpapastrings.h\ gpa_license.c gpa_license.h \ keyserver.c keyserver.h \ w32reg.c w32reg.h \ simple-gettext.c \ hidewnd.c hidewnd.h \ keytable.c keytable.h \ gpgmetools.h gpgmetools.c \ gpgmeedit.h gpgmeedit.c \ server_access.h server_access.c \ settingsdlg.h settingsdlg.c \ passwddlg.h passwddlg.c \ gpacontext.h gpacontext.c \ gpaprogressdlg.h gpaprogressdlg.c \ gparecvkeydlg.h gparecvkeydlg.c \ gpaoperation.h gpaoperation.c \ gpafileop.h gpafileop.c \ gpafiledecryptop.h gpafiledecryptop.c \ gpafileencryptop.h gpafileencryptop.c \ gpafilesignop.h gpafilesignop.c \ gpafileverifyop.h gpafileverifyop.c \ gpakeyop.h gpakeyop.c \ gpakeydeleteop.h gpakeydeleteop.c \ gpakeysignop.h gpakeysignop.c \ gpakeytrustop.h gpakeytrustop.c \ gpakeyexpireop.h gpakeyexpireop.c \ gpakeypasswdop.h gpakeypasswdop.c \ gpaexportop.h gpaexportop.c \ gpaexportfileop.h gpaexportfileop.c \ gpaexportclipop.h gpaexportclipop.c \ gpaexportserverop.h gpaexportserverop.c \ gpaimportop.h gpaimportop.c \ gpaimportfileop.h gpaimportfileop.c \ gpaimportclipop.h gpaimportclipop.c \ gpaimportserverop.h gpaimportserverop.c \ gpagenkeyop.h gpagenkeyop.c \ gpagenkeyadvop.h gpagenkeyadvop.c \ gpagenkeysimpleop.h gpagenkeysimpleop.c \ gpabackupop.h gpabackupop.c \ gpakeyselector.h gpakeyselector.c \ options.c gpa.rc