2009-04-08 Stephan Holl * gispatcher-integration/debian/changelog: updated to revision 3 * gispatcher-integration/debian/rules: commented the make distclean-target, since it is not used, we just need dh_clean * gispatcher-integration/debian/gispatcher-integration.preinst: removed a debug-swtich 2009-04-06 Stephan Holl removed DEBUG-statements from the scripts: * gispatcher-integration/debian/gispatcher-integration.[postinst|postrm|preinst] * gispatcher-integration/debian/gispatcher-integration-u3r.[postinst|postrm] * gispatcher-integration/debian/gispatcher-integration-owsproxy.[postinst|postrm] 2009-04-06 Stephan Holl * gispatcher-integration/debian/gispatcher-integration.[postinst|preinst]: moved loading from apache-modules from preinst to postinst * gispatcher-integration/debian/gispatcher-integration-u3r.postinst: removed apache-modules, since this is already loaded by owsproxy, which is normaly loaded first. * gispatcher-integration/etc/apache2/sites-available/demo.gispatcher.com: disabled Port 445 since this is already enabled in Debian Lenny * gispatcher-integration/debian/control: added apache2 dependency 2009-03-13 Hans Plum * gispatcher-integration/Makefile: Issue #842 "Malke file encoding for tomcat instances configurable" http://wald.intevation.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=842&group_id=39&atid=264 Resolving encoding problems on non-UTF-8 systems for owsproxy; u3r gets the config as well but does not get affected. 2009-02-05 Stephan Holl * gispatcher-integration/debian/control: dependecy set to apache2.2-common, which contains a2*-scripts referenced in this postinst-script * gispatcher-integration/etc/apache2/sites-available/demo.gispatcher.com: added a hint for lenny-usage with SSL. This is a little different than on etch because the ssl-port is already defined in /etc/apache2/ports.conf when mod_ssl is loaded. 2009-01-25 jochen@plumeyer.org * gispatcher/gispatcher-integration/debian/gispatcher-integration.postinst: "db_input" really expects a return value, the sslcert information display needs a " || true" for the case of no value given. * gispatcher/gispatcher-integration/debian/gispatcher-integration.postrm: "db_purge" provides the deletion of stored debconf values, if the "--purge" option in the deinstallation is chosen. I added this deletion for all three packages in postrm. * gispatcher/gispatcher-integration/debian/templates: Debconf variables "gispatcher-integration-u3r/title", "gispatcher-integration-owsproxy/tc_connector_port" and "gispatcher-integration-owsproxy/tc_proxy_target" were added * gispatcher/gispatcher-integration/debian/gispatcher-integration-owsproxy.prerm: This prerm script has been called with "upgrade" and "failed-upgrade" arguments, supposedly because of still existing template values in Debconf. Strict "set -e" mode in all pre/postinst scripts 2009-01-21 jochen@plumeyer.org * gispatcher/gispatcher-integration/gispatcher-integration.install: "gispatcher-vhost" instead of "demo.gispatcher.com" spec "%files" entries. * gispatcher/gispatcher-integration/Makefile: Now the parameters changable by postinstall/ reconfigure are left without expansion and prepared for Debconf interactive definition, even for re-configuration. The reconfiguration uses a "dirty hack", it calls directly /var/lib/dpkg/info/* scripts to reconfigure other packages, which are as well affected by that change. Alternatives? I also had to introduce templates again. They reside in /etc//templates/ , I hope this is ok. * gispatcher/gispatcher-integration/debian/templates: Debconf parameter template * gispatcher/gispatcher-integration/etc/apache2/sites-available/demo.gispatcher.com: typo fix for Apache log file name * gispatcher/gispatcher-integration/debian/: postinst, templates 2009-01-19 jochen@plumeyer.org * gispatcher/gispatcher-integration/Makefile: Eleminating double entries in spec "%files" entries. * gispatcher/gispatcher-integration/gispatcher-integration.spec.in: Change to version "0.2.0". 2009-01-19 jochen@plumeyer.org * gispatcher-integration/debian/: Cleanup of *.ex files. * gispatcher-integration/debian/control: Changed Java JRE dependency to "sun-java5-jre". * gispatcher-integration/Makefile: Fixed a bug in definition of gispatcher user environment variables installation. * gispatcher-integration/*.postinst: Removed "adduser", instead creating the gispatcher user by "useradd". 2009-01-16 jochen@plumeyer.org Postinstall and preinstall scripts added to Debian packaging. This versions contains the same post/pre-install scripts as the RPM spec version. So this release can be used as a reference to compare with svn diff in an easy way. * gispatcher-integration/Makefile: Defining Debian conffiles, deletion of obsolete RPM-specific actions in Debian section. * gispatcher-integration/debian/gispatcher-integration.preinst: Here Debian non-interactive "useradd" is used to create the "gispatcher" user. "apt-get remove --purge" should delete this user together with its home directory. 2009-01-15 jochen@plumeyer.org * gispatcher-integration/Makefile: More RPM/Debian case handling cleanup. TODO: pre/post-install script integration 2009-01-14 jochen@plumeyer.org * gispatcher-integration/Makefile: More consistency, cleaner packaging case handling * gispatcher-integration/debian/: At last the first Debian packaging completes using the recommended approach with *.install and dh_install. Detail work still to be done. 2009-01-12 jochen@plumeyer.org * gispatcher-integration/configure: Preparing Debian case, still dummy * gispatcher-integration/Makefile: Adding Debian packaging. * gispatcher-integration/debian/: Parameter modifications. 2008-12-22 jochen@plumeyer.org * gispatcher-integration/debian: Creating "multi-binary" package definitions in the new debian directory. Separation of general and service-specific installation files. TODO: Environment variables have to be set correctly, and the Makefile has to be adapted 2008-11-20 Stephan Holl * gispatcher/gispatcher-integration/u3r.include: reworked this package so it will be installable on a separate maschine and does not relay on owsproxy. This is needed, because it might be a good idea to keep the OWSproxy and its admin-interface separate in LAN and DMZ. Now this is possible. Changes are also made to the u3r.spec. 2008-11-20 Stephan Holl * gispatcher-integration/etc/apache2/sites-available/demo.gispatcher.com: Fixed inclusion of Apache-related mapping to Tomcat webapps. A typo in the include-stuff was the problem. 2008-11-19 jochen@plumeyer.org * gispatcher-integration/Makefile: *.rpmsave functionality for Service XML files. Separation of general and service-specific installation files. TODO: Checking the symlink to vhost configuration file. * gispatcher-integration/gispatcher-integration.spec.in: Fixed a typo in the admin email. 2008-11-09 stephan.holl@intevation.de * gispatcher-integration/conf/tomcat-users.xml: New. Added since this throughs an error if not present (and yast in unhappy). * gispatcher-integration/gispatcher-integration.spec.in: Commented the manifest-stuff since it is unneeded * gispatcher-integration/etc/sysconfig/tomcat55: Set the username to TC_OWNER in order to make the logging of the tomcat more correct * gispatcher-integration/Makefile: implemented logic to difference between initial install, update and delete of the packages. This mostly is neccesary in %pre, %post, %preun, %postin-blocks. The return-codes were found here: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-rpm3.html Here are the actual values passed during an install: * Run %pre of new package (1) * Install new files * Run %post of new package (1) Here are the values passed during an upgrade: * Run %pre of new package (2) * Install new files * Run %post of new package (2) * Run %preun of old package (1) * Delete any old files not overwritten by newer ones * Run %postun of old package (1) Here are the values passed during a delete: * Run %preun of old package (0) * Delete files * Run %postun of old package (0) 2008-11-07 stephan.holl@intevation.de * gispatcher-integration/README-RPM-builder.txt: changed the rpmbuild-command to 'rpmbuild -ba --target noarch gispatcher-integration.spec' * gispatcher-intevation/tc-template.spec: removed 2008-10-30 stephan.holl@intevation.de * gispatcher-integration: New. Added module for configuring the tomcat-environment separately 2008-08-19 Jan-Oliver Wagner GISpatcher Desktop extended with GRASS. * GISpatcher/debian/control: Added grass, grass-doc and qgis-plugin-grass as dependencies for desktop. * GISpatcher/index.html: Added infos on GRASS. 2008-08-19 Jan-Oliver Wagner * GISpatcher/index.html: Improved documentation, added missing thuban. * GISpatcher/debian/control: Make double sure proj is installed. 2008-08-19 Jan-Oliver Wagner * debian-old/: Removed this directory which accidently entered the repository. 2008-08-19 Karl-Heinz Ruskowski * GISpatcher/debian/postinst: Made sure that menu files get installed in system mode. * GISpatcher/debian/rules: Removed useless rm for gispatcher-desktop. 2008-08-18 Stephan Holl * GISpatcher/debian/control: Added gispatcher-server-package which references currently to PostGIS (and its dependencies). Therefor PostGIS, GEOS and Proj were added to the apt-server apt.intevation.de 2008-08-13 Jan-Oliver Wagner * Makefile: Remove ".svn" directories from installation package. * VERSION: New. 2008-08-12 Jan-Oliver Wagner * Makefile: Fixed cleanup and build procedure regarding temporary files. * ChangeLog: New.