Template: deegree-owsproxy/title Type: title Default: OWSProxy-Installation Description: OWSProxy-Installation Template: deegree-owsproxy/adminpassword Type: password Description: Admin password: Your OWSProxy will need an initial password for the database-user to connect. Please set an appropriate password. Template: deegree-owsproxy/dbname Type: string Default: gispatcher_owsproxy_sec Description: OWSProxy-Database Please enter a default database name Template: deegree-owsproxy/dbuser Type: string Default: gispatcher_owsproxy_sec Description: OWSProxy-Database-user Please enter a database username, under which the OWSProxy-Database will run. Template: deegree-owsproxy/dbhost Type: string Default: localhost Description: OWSProxy-Database-Host Please enter the database-hostname, under which the OWSProxy-Database will run. Please note, that a TCP-IP-Connections will be established to install the database-scripts and the database-users. Template: deegree-owsproxy/dbport Type: string Default: 5432 Description: OWSProxy-Database-port Please enter the database-port, under which the OWSProxy-Database will run. Template: deegree-owsproxy/noremote-inst Type: note Description: OWSProxy-Installation The Installation of the database is currently only supported on localhost. If your database-server is on a remote-maschine, please use the SQL-script /usr/share/doc/deegree-owsproxy/create-security-postgres.sql.gz to create the database-schema on your maschine. Template: deegree-owsproxy/finish Type: note Description: OWSProxy-Installation The Installation of the GISpatcher deegree-owsproxy package is successfully finished. Template: deegree-owsproxy/dbupdate Type: note Description: OWSProxy-Installation We do not perform a database update, since we already have a owsproxy database installed. Exiting. Template: deegree-owsproxy/wmsurl Type: string Default: http://demo.intevation.org/cgi-bin/frida-wms Description: OWSProxy WMS-Service Please enter the URL for a WMS Server you want to secure. Template: deegree-owsproxy/db_installed Type: string Default: false Description: DB already installed