Run tests for level 1.6 compliance. The response to a GetCapabilities request (HTTP/GET request where KVP´s must be defined as follows: service = “CSW”, request = “GetCapabilities) must satisfy the additional assertion: 1. all INSPIRE queryables shall be listed in the section (Constraint) “AdditionalQueryables”, as in: <ows:Constraint name="AdditionalQueryables"> <ows:Value>Degree</ows:Value> <ows:Value>AccessConstraints</ows:Value> <ows:Value>OtherConstraints</ows:Value> <ows:Value>Classification</ows:Value> <ows:Value>ConditionApplyingToAccessAndUse</ows:Value> <ows:Value>Lineage</ows:Value> <ows:Value>SpecificationTitle</ows:Value> <ows:Value>SpecificationDate</ows:Value> <ows:Value>SpecificationDateType</ows:Value> </ows:Constraint> Pass if the response of the GetRecords requests (sent via HTTP/GET) hold the relevant assertions. GET CSW GetCapabilities FAILURE: the assertion 1 failed (value Degree is missing) FAILURE: the assertion 1 failed (value AccessConstraints is missing) FAILURE: the assertion 1 failed (value OtherConstraints is missing) FAILURE: the assertion 1 failed (value Classification is missing) FAILURE: the assertion 1 failed (value ConditionApplyingToAccessAndUse is missing) FAILURE: the assertion 1 failed (value Lineage is missing) FAILURE: the assertion 1 failed (value SpecificationTitle is missing) FAILURE: the assertion 1 failed (value SpecificationDate is missing) FAILURE: the assertion 1 failed (value SpecificationDateType is missing) Search for dataset metadata records which useLimitation attribute value satisfies the correct INSPIRE default (“no conditions apply”) when no conditions apply. (s. query below). The response of the GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 1 ‘summary’ metadata entry returned in the format 3. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
summary apiso:language ger apiso:ConditionApplyingToAccessAndUse no conditions apply
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd
Search for dataset metadata records which AccessConstraints are equal to “otherRestrictions”, which OtherConstraints are defined “no limitations” and which Classification is “unclassified” (s. query below). The response of the GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 1 ‘brief’ metadata entry returned in the format 3. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
brief apiso:language ger apiso:type dataset apiso:AccessConstraints otherRestrictions apiso:OtherConstraints no limitations
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd
Search for dataset metadata records which Classification is “unclassified” and either the AccessConstraints are equal to “otherRestrictions” (and OtherConstraints are defined “no limitations”) or where the AccessConstraints are equal to “intellectualPropertyRights” (s. query below). The response of the GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 1 ‘brief’ metadata entry returned in the format 3. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
brief apiso:language ger apiso:type dataset apiso:Classification unclassified apiso:AccessConstraints otherRestrictions apiso:OtherConstraints no limitations apiso:AccessConstraints intellectualPropertyRights
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd
Search for dataset metadata records which are conformant to the “INSPIRE Data Specification on Hydrography” data specification (a version published after the 01.12.2008) (s. query below). The response of the GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 1 ‘brief’ metadata entry returned in the format 3. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
full apiso:language ger apiso:type dataset apiso:SpecificationTitle INSPIRE Data Specification on Hydrography apiso:SpecificationDate 2008-12-01 apiso:SpecificationDateType publication apiso:Degree true
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd
Search for dataset metadata records which Lineage statement includes the name “DLM” (s. query below). The response of the GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 3 ‘brief’ metadata entry returned in the format 3. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
brief apiso:language ger apiso:type dataset apiso:Lineage *DLM*
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd
Search for metadata records (no services) which touch the Münsterland area, which Classification is “unclassified” and either the AccessConstraints are equal to “otherRestrictions” (and OtherConstraints are defined “no limitations”) or where the AccessConstraints are equal to “intellectualPropertyRights”, which are conformant to the “INSPIRE Data Specification on Hydrography” data specification (the version published at the 19.12.2008) and which Lineage statement includes the name “DLM” (s. query below). The response of the GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response should state that 1 metadata entry is matched but no metadata entry is returned 3. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
brief apiso:language ger apiso:type service apiso:BoundingBox 7.30 51.80 7.50 52.10 apiso:AccessConstraints otherRestrictions apiso:OtherConstraints no limitations apiso:AccessConstraints intellectualPropertyRights apiso:ConditionApplyingToAccessAndUse no conditions apply apiso:SpecificationTitle INSPIRE Data Specification on Hydrography apiso:SpecificationDate 2008-12-19 apiso:SpecificationDateType publication apiso:Degree true apiso:Lineage *DLM*
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd