Run tests for level 1.4 compliance. Search for services which are tightly-coupled. The response of the GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 2 ‘brief’ metadata entries (although 3 are found) returned in the format 3. the number of records matched within the response is 3. 4. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
brief apiso:type service apiso:CouplingType tight
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed FAILURE: the third assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd
Search for services which are tightly-coupled and operate on a specified dataset.. The response of the GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 2 ‘summary’ metadata entries returned in the format 3. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
summary apiso:type service apiso:CouplingType tight apiso:OperatesOn _3E06228D-0676-1C4F-33B4-722163F876C3
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd
Search for View Service (WMS) metadata records which boundingBox satisfies a specific spatial filter (s. query below) and which title is like “Topographische Karte” or which includes a keyword of value “Topographische Karte”. The response of the GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 1 ‘brief’ metadata entry returned in the format 3. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
brief apiso:type service apiso:ServiceType view apiso:BoundingBox 7.30 49.30 10.70 51.70 apiso:subject Topographische Karte apiso:title *Topographische Karte*
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd
Search for View- and Download-Services which operate on a specific dataset. The response of the GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 2 ‘full’ metadata entries returned in the format 3. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
full apiso:type service apiso:ServiceType view apiso:OperatesOn _3E06228D-0676-1C4F-33B4-722163F876C3 apiso:ServiceType download apiso:OperatesOn _3E06228D-0676-1C4F-33B4-722163F876C3
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd
First, search for Data (“Wasserschutzgebiete”) in a specific area. The response to the first GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 1 ‘brief’ metadata entry referencing the dataset defined in the format 3. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Second, try to find a service providing the data. Therefore the ressourceIdentifier must be selected by the CTL script from the dataset metadata found by the query in step 1 and be copied into the comparedTo value of the operatesOn queryable in the query of step 2. The response to the second GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 4. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 5. the response includes 2 ‘full’ metadata entries referencing the view service and the download service (providing the data) in format 6. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: c.validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with d.validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
summary apiso:type dataset apiso:BoundingBox 8.09 49.90 8.20 50.10 apiso:subject *Wasserschutzgebiet*
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd Requesting datasets which operate on ID POST
full apiso:type service apiso:OperatesOn
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd
First, search for Data (“Wasserschutzgebiete”) in a specific area. The response to the first GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 1 ‘brief’ metadata entry referencing the dataset defined in the format 3. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Second, try to find a view service providing the data referenced within the data metadata item (found in step one). Therefore the ressourceIdentifier must be selected by the CTL script from the dataset metadata found by the query in step 1 and be copied into the comparedTo value of the operatesOn queryable in the query of step 2. The response to the second GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 4. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 5. the response includes 1 ‘full’ metadata entry referencing the view service (providing the data) in format 6. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: c. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with d. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
summary apiso:type dataset apiso:BoundingBox 8.09 49.90 8.20 50.10 apiso:subject *Wasserschutzgebiet*
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd Requesting datasets which operate on ID POST
full apiso:type service apiso:ServiceType view apiso:OperatesOn
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd
First, search for Data (“Wasserschutzgebiete”) in a specific area. The response to the first GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 1 ‘brief’ metadata entry referencing the dataset defined in the format 3. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Second, try to find a view service providing the data referenced within the data metadata item (found in step one) via a GetMap-operation. Therefore the ressourceIdentifier must be selected by the CTL script from the dataset metadata found by the query in step 1 and be copied into the comparedTo value of the operatesOn queryable in the query of step 2. The response to the second GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 4. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 5. the response includes 1 ‘full’ metadata entry referencing the view service (providing the data) in format 6. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: c. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with d. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
summary apiso:type dataset apiso:BoundingBox 8.09 49.90 8.20 50.10 apiso:subject *Wasserschutzgebiet*
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd Requesting datasets which operate on ID POST
full apiso:type service apiso:ServiceType view apiso:OperatesOnIdentifier apiso:OperatesOnName GetMap
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd
First try to find a view service providing two specific dataset instances which are already known by their ressourceIdentifier. The response to this GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 1 ‘full’ metadata entry referencing the view service (providing the data) in format 3. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with In a second step try to find the full metadata of the two data items referenced by their ressourceIdentifier. Therefore the values of the operatesOn properties of the service metadata item found in step 1 must be copied into the comparedTo values of the ResourceIdentifier queryables in the query of step 2. The response to this second GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 4. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 5. the response includes 2 ‘full’ metadata entries referencing the datasets defined in the format 6. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: c. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with d. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
full apiso:type service apiso:ServiceType view apiso:OperatesOn _3E06228D-0676-1C4F-33B4-722163F876C3 apiso:OperatesOn _7A48288E-1288-8C2A-65C1-985623C777D2
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd Requesting dataset operating on and POST
full apiso:type dataset apiso:ResourceIdentifier apiso:ResourceIdentifier
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd