Run tests for level 1.3 compliance. The response to a GetCapabilities request (HTTP/GET request where KVPs must be defined as follows: service = "CSW", request = "GetCapabilities") must satisfy the applicable assertion: 1. it contains the XML representation of a capabilities document, which can be validated against the XML schema defined for CSW 2.0.2 (see 2. Certain entries must be included in the capabilities document at a minimum. Pass if the assertions hold. GET CSW GetCapabilities csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd FAILURE: the second assertion failed (1) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (2) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (3) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (4) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (5) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (6) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (7) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (8) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (9) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (10) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (11) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (12) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (13) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (14) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (15) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (16) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (17) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (18) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (19) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (20) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (21) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (22) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (23) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (24) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (25) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (26) FAILURE: the second assertion failed (27) Search for dataset records where “TK50” is defined somewhere in the metadata document. The response of the GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 2 ‘brief’ metadata entries returned in the format 3. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
brief apiso:anyText *DTK* iso:type dataset
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd
Search for dataset metadata records including one of the keywords “Wasserschutzgebiet” or “Überschemmungsgebiet” and which datasets where revised after the 1. of June 2006. The response of the GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 1 ‘summary’ metadata entry returned in the format 3. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
summary iso:type dataset apiso:RevisionDate 2006-06-01 iso:subject Wasserschutzgebiet iso:subject Überschwemmungsgebiet
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd
Search for dataset metadata records which boundingBox satisfies a specific spatial filter (s. query below). The response of the GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 3 ‘summary’ metadata entry returned in the format 3. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
summary iso:type dataset apiso:BoundingBox 8.09 49.90 8.20 50.10
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd
Search for dataset metadata records which belong to a specific dataset collection and which boundingBox satisfies a specific spatial filter (s. query below). The response of the GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 2 ‘brief’ metadata entries returned in the format 3. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecords request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
brief iso:type dataset iso:ParentIdentifier 111c0076-b23f-76e5-c888-94327664111 apiso:BoundingBox 8.10 50.00 8.50 51.00
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd
Request a metadata records with a specific Id with ‘full’ elementSet. The response of the GetRecordById request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 1 ‘full’ metadata entry returned in the format 3. The title must be ‘Bestandskarte hessischer Wasserschutzgebiete’ 4. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecordById request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed FAILURE: the third assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd
Request a metadata record with a specific Id with ‘brief’ elementSet. The response of the GetRecordById request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown 2. the response includes 1 ‘brief’ metadata entry returned in the format 3. The title must be ‘DTK 50 - Blatt L5916-Frankfurt am Main West’ 4. the XML representation of the response is valid structured concerning the CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0 schemas. This response can be validated in two steps: a. validate each MD_Metadata entry in the Namespace “” separate with b. validate the CSW 2.0.2 response frame (the GetRecordsResponse element within the “” namespace) with Pass if the response of the GetRecordById request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. GET CSW GetRecordById brief 486d9622-c29d-44e5-b878-44389740011 2.0.2 FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed FAILURE: the third assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd Search for records whitout any filter and without restricting the number of records to be returned. The response of the GetRecords request must satisfy the applicable assertions: 1. the filter request is understood by the server and no exception concerning the request is thrown a. the response includes 10 ‘brief’ metadata entries returned in the format Pass if the response of the GetRecordById request (sent via HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML) holds the relevant assertions. POST
FAILURE: the first assertion failed FAILURE: the second assertion failed Testing gmd:MD_Metadata elements. csw/2.0.2/profiles/apiso/1.0.0/apiso.xsd csw/2.0.2/CSW-discovery.xsd