Run tests for level 1.1 compliance. Verify that the GetCapabilities operation is implemented and supports the HTTP/GET/KVP method binding. Pass if the response is a well formed XML Document with a root node named "Capabilities" which is defined within the "" namespace. GET CSW GetCapabilities FAILURE: the response has no root element "Capabilities" in the "" namespace Verify that the GetRecords operation is implemented and supports the HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML as well as the HTTP/POST/XML method binding. Pass if the responses of the requests are well formed XML Documents with a root node named "GetRecordsResponse" which is defined within the "" namespace. POST brief POST
FAILURE: the response to the HTTP/XML/POST request has no root element "GetRecordsResponse" in the "" namespace FAILURE: the response to the HTTP/SOAP/XML/POST request has no root element "GetRecordsResponse" in the "" namespace
Verify that the GetRecordById request is implemented and supports the HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML method binding. Pass if the response of the request is a well formed XML Document with a root node named "GetRecordByIdResponse" which is defined within the "" namespace. POST
FAILURE: the response to the HTTP/SOAP/XML/POST request has no root element "GetRecordByIdResponse" in the "" namespace
Verify that the GetRecordById operation is implemented and supports the HTTP/GET/KVP method binding. Pass if the response is a well formed XML Document with a root node named "GetRecordByIdResponse" which is defined within the "" namespace. GET CSW GetRecordById 0C12204F-5626-4A2E-94F4-514424F093A1 2.0.2 FAILURE: the response has no root element "GetRecordByIdResponse" in the "" namespace Verify that the DescribeRecord operation is implemented and supports the HTTP/SOAP/POST/XML as well as the HTTP/POST/XML method binding. Pass if the responses of the requests are well formed XML Documents with a root node named "DescribeRecordResponse" which is defined within the "" namespace. POST gmd:MD_Metadata POST
FAILURE: the response to the HTTP/XML/POST request has no root element "DescribeRecordResponse" in the "" namespace FAILURE: the response to the HTTP/SOAP/XML/POST request has no root element "DescribeRecordResponse" in the "" namespace
Verify that all of the following assertions hold for the response to an invalid GetRecords request (missing attribute "typeNames" of "Query" element: 1.the response entity is a valid exception report having "<ows:ExceptionReport>" as the document element; 2.the value of the exceptionCode attribute specifies the appropriate code value. Pass if the response of the request holds all assertions. POST
FAILURE: the response to the HTTP/SOAP/XML/POST request does not satisfy the assertions.
Verify that all of the following assertions hold for the response to an invalid version of a GetRecordById request (HTTP/POST/SOAP/XML binding): 1.the response entity is a valid exception report having "<ows:ExceptionReport>" as the document element; 2.the value of the exceptionCode attribute specifies the appropriate code value. Pass if the response of the request holds all assertions. POST
FAILURE: the response to the HTTP/SOAP/XML/POST request does not satisfy the assertions.