<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@ page import="java.util.List"%> <%@ page import="org.apache.axiom.om.OMAttribute"%> <%@ page import="org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement"%> <%@ page import="java.util.HashMap"%> <%@ page import="java.util.Map"%> <%@ page import="java.util.Iterator"%> <%@ page import="org.deegree.client.sos.storage.*"%> <%@ page import="org.deegree.client.sos.storage.components.*"%> <%@ page import="org.deegree.client.sos.utils.*"%> <%@ page import="org.deegree.commons.utils.Pair"%> <% StorageGetCapabilities storage = (StorageGetCapabilities) request.getAttribute( "storage" ); List> serviceidentification = storage.getServiceIdentification(); List> serviceprovider = storage.getServiceProvider(); %> <% for (Pair pair : serviceidentification){ %> <% } %>
<%= pair.first %> <%= pair.second %>

<% for (Pair pair : serviceprovider){ %> <% } %>
<%= pair.first %> <%= pair.second %>

<% List operationsMetadata = storage.getOperationsMetadata(); for (Operation operation : operationsMetadata){ %> <% List> http = operation.getHttp(); for(Pair pair : http){ %> <% } if (operation.getParameters().size() > 0){ List parameters = operation.getParameters(); for (Parameter parameter : parameters){ List allowedValues = parameter.getAllowedValues(); for (String value : allowedValues){ %> <% } } } } %>
OperationName <%= operation.getName() %>
<%= pair.first %> <%= pair.second %>
<%= parameter.getName() %> <%= value %>

<% Filter_Capabilities filter_Capabilities = storage.getFilter_Capabilities(); List geometryOperands = filter_Capabilities.getGeometryOperands(); for (String geometryOperand : geometryOperands){ %> <% } List spatialOperators = filter_Capabilities.getSpatialOperators(); for (Operator spatialOperator : spatialOperators){ %> <% if (spatialOperator.getOperands() != null){ List operandsFromSpatialOperator = spatialOperator.getOperands(); for (String operand : operandsFromSpatialOperator){ %> <% } } } List temporalOperands = filter_Capabilities.getTemporalOperands(); for (String temporalOperand : temporalOperands){ %> <% } List temporalOperators = filter_Capabilities.getTemporalOperators(); for (Operator temporalOperator : temporalOperators){ %> <% if (temporalOperator.getOperands() != null){ List operandsFromTemporalOperator = temporalOperator.getOperands(); for (String operand : operandsFromTemporalOperator){ %> <% } } } List comparisonOperators = filter_Capabilities.getComparisonOperators(); for (String comparisonOperator : comparisonOperators){ %> <% } if (filter_Capabilities.getArithmeticOperators() != null){ OMElement arithmeticOperators = filter_Capabilities.getArithmeticOperators(); %> <% } if (filter_Capabilities.getLogicalOperators() != null){ OMElement logicalOperators = filter_Capabilities.getLogicalOperators(); %> <% } OMElement id_Capabilities = filter_Capabilities.getId_Capabilities(); %>
GeometryOperand <%= geometryOperand %>
SpatialOperator <%= spatialOperator.getName() %>
GeometryOperand of SpatialOperator <%= operand %>
TemporalOperand <%= temporalOperand %>
TemporalOperator <%= temporalOperator.getName() %>
TemporalOperand of TemporalOperator <%= operand %>
ComparisonOperator <%= comparisonOperator %>
<%= arithmeticOperators.getLocalName() %> <%= arithmeticOperators.getText() %>
<%= logicalOperators.getLocalName() %> <%= logicalOperators.getText() %>
Id_Capabilities <%= id_Capabilities.getLocalName() %>

<% List contents = storage.getContents(); for (ObservationOffering offering : contents){ %> <% List metadata = offering.getMetadata(); for (OMElement element : metadata){ %> <% Iterator attributes; for (attributes = element.getAllAttributes(); attributes.hasNext();){ OMAttribute attribute = attributes.next(); %> <% } } BoundedBy boundedBy = offering.getBoundedBy(); %> <% if (boundedBy.getAttributes().size() > 0){ List attributes = boundedBy.getAttributes(); for(OMAttribute attribute : attributes){ %> <% } } List elements = boundedBy.getElements(); if (elements.size() > 0){ for (OMElement element : elements){ %> <% } } String text = boundedBy.getText(); if (text!=null && !text.trim().equals("")){ %> <% } List intendedApplications = offering.getIntendedApplications(); for (OMElement element : intendedApplications){ %> <% Iterator attributes; for (attributes = element.getAllAttributes(); attributes.hasNext();){ OMAttribute attribute = attributes.next(); %> <% } } Time time = offering.getTime(); List attributesOfTime = time.getAttributesOfTime(); for (OMAttribute attributeOfTime : attributesOfTime){ %> <% } if (!time.getIsNull()){ elements = time.getElements(); for (OMElement element : elements){ %> <% } } List procedures = offering.getProcedures(); for(String procedure : procedures){ %> <% } List observedProperties = offering.getObservedProperties(); for (String observedProperty : observedProperties){ %> <% } elements = offering.getFeaturesOfInterest(); for(OMElement element : elements){ if(!element.getText().trim().equals("")){ %> <% } Iterator attributes; for (attributes = element.getAllAttributes(); attributes.hasNext();){ OMAttribute attribute = attributes.next(); %> <% } } elements = offering.getResponseFormats(); for(OMElement element : elements){ if(!element.getText().trim().equals("")){ %> <% } Iterator attributes; for (attributes = element.getAllAttributes(); attributes.hasNext();){ OMAttribute attribute = attributes.next(); %> <% } } elements = offering.getResponseModes(); for(OMElement element : elements){ if(!element.getText().trim().equals("")){ %> <% } Iterator attributes; for (attributes = element.getAllAttributes(); attributes.hasNext();){ OMAttribute attribute = attributes.next(); %> <% } } elements = offering.getResultModels(); for(OMElement element : elements){ if(!element.getText().trim().equals("")){ %> <% } Iterator attributes; for (attributes = element.getAllAttributes(); attributes.hasNext();){ OMAttribute attribute = attributes.next(); %> <% } } } %>

OfferingId: <%= offering.getId() %>
<%= element.getLocalName() %> <%= element.getText() %>
<%= attribute.getLocalName() %> <%= attribute.getAttributeValue() %>
BoundedBy <%= boundedBy.getType() %>
Attribute: <%= attribute.getLocalName() %> <%= attribute.getAttributeValue() %>
<%= element.getLocalName() %> <%= element.getText() %>
Text <%= text %>
<%= element.getLocalName() %> <%= element.getText() %>
<%= attribute.getLocalName() %> <%= attribute.getAttributeValue() %>
TimeAttribute <%= attributeOfTime.getLocalName() %> <%= attributeOfTime.getAttributeValue() %>
<%= element.getLocalName() %> <%= element.getText() %>
procedure <%= procedure %>
observedProperty <%= observedProperty %>
<%= element.getLocalName() %> <%= element.getText() %>
<%= element.getLocalName() %>: <%= attribute.getLocalName() %> <%= attribute.getAttributeValue() %>
<%= element.getLocalName() %> <%= element.getText() %>
<%= element.getLocalName() %>: <%= attribute.getLocalName() %> <%= attribute.getAttributeValue() %>
<%= element.getLocalName() %> <%= element.getText() %>
<%= element.getLocalName() %>: <%= attribute.getLocalName() %> <%= attribute.getAttributeValue() %>
<%= element.getLocalName() %> <%= element.getText() %>
<%= element.getLocalName() %>: <%= attribute.getLocalName() %> <%= attribute.getAttributeValue() %>

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