GIS-Viewer ========== $Date$ $Revision$ This directory contains a simple GIS-viewer based on deegree2. At the moment it is a relatively simple library consisting of a few components that can be added to other programs. There is no stand-alone viewer program yet. Requirements ------------ To build the viewer and run the demo program you need deegree2 and some additional libraries. At the moment the viewer is developed with the 2.2_testing branch of deegree. To make the libraries available to the view build process: - Fetch the most recent version of deegree 2.2_testing branch from the deegree SVN repository apply the the patches in the patches subdirectory (see the .diff files themselves for details) and build it. Then copy or symlink the deegree2.jar.jar to the lib/ subdirectory. - You will need at least the following libraries from deegree's lib directory: batik-awt-util.jar batik-svggen.jar batik-util.jar commons-codec-1.3.jar commons-httpclient-2.0.2-deegreeversion.jar commons-logging.jar deegree2.jar jai_codec.jar jai_core.jar jaxen-1.1-beta-8.jar jts-1.8.jar vecmath.jar Build ----- To build the viewer, just run ant in the top-level directory to produce dist/gis-viewer.jar. Demo program ------------ The viewer comes with a little demo program. An easy way to start it is to run ant demo To pass parameters to the program, you can set the demo.args property. For instance, to pass the names of a few shape files to load you could run ant demo -Ddemo.args="shapefile1 shapefile2" License ------- The gis viewer is free software under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 2.1 or later. See the file LGPL.txt for details.