The Philosopher example offers a example of a complex GML application schema. Please refer the documentation for details! Steps to set up the Philosopher example: 1. To install the philosopher example, please create a spatially enabled POSTGIS or Oracle database called 'deegreetest' and create a user 'deegreetest' with a password 'deegreetest'. 2. Afterwards run the appropriate scripts you find under $wfs_home$/WEB-INF/conf/scripts/philosopher/ to create the philosopher example tables. Postgis example: psql -d deegreetest -U deegreetest -f create_philosopher.sql 3. Copy the appropriate featuretype definition from $wfs_home$/WEB-INF/conf/wfs/featuretypes/examplefeaturetypes/ philosopher/ into $wfs_home$/WEB-INF/conf/wfs/featuretypes. In case PostgreSQL/Postgis does not run on the same machine as the wfs (localhost) and port 5432 adapt the .xsd to the location and setting of the database. Afterwards restart tomcat or the service via the tomcat manager. 4. Uncommend the app:Philosopher and app:Country section in the wfs_configuration.xml ($wfs_home$/WEB-INF/conf/wfs/) located in the element. 5. Fill the database by sending a WFS-Transaction request. You find the request under: http://localhost:8080/deegree-wfs/client/client.html Go to the Example Philosopher dropdown menu and select in the Request dropdown menue Transaction-> complex.xml. Submit the request by pressing 'Send'. Afterwards all other Philosopher example requests should work fine.