NewProject TP1 org.deegree.client.portlet.DeegreeJSP normal $FVF1.FrameTitle Application center InfoText XYZ999 org.deegree.igeo.modules.DefaultModule org.deegree.igeo.views.swing.InfoTextPanel normal dummy page ./org/deegree/igeo/help/start.html ProxyManager PM1 org.deegree.igeo.modules.ProxyManagerModule org.deegree.igeo.views.swing.proxymanager.ProxyManagerDialog closed $Proxymanager.FrameTitle Proxy_Open_TB $ open PushButton MB1 $ p $ newproject n n CTRL $ newprojectbyfile p p CTRL $ open o o CTRL $OpenProject.tooltip open PushButton TB01.login $Login.tooltip login PushButton 25 25 Projekte neu anlegen Projekte öffnen org.deegree.igeo.commands.DummyUserAuthenticationCommand http://localhost:8280/igeo_authentication/authentication TestMMC According to changed requirements to thin and thick geospatial clients in following document a new concept for deegree's implementation of portal and client functionality will be developed. One basic decision is to brake with current implementation of iGeoPortal standard and portlet edition and not to use classes, JavaScript objects, HTML-pages and JSPs anymore. The same is true for further usage of moduls developed by lat/lon for OpenJUMP (deeJUMP). deegree client and portal concept and specification Open Office document TestMM MM1 676 563 96 root Enter new name