deegree Web Processing Service (WPS) is an open source implementation of the OpenGIS® Web Processing Service Implementation Specifications. It provides HTTP/SOAP interfaces for performing any operation on geo data in the broadest sense. deegree WPS is a container for user defined processes. Any process that implements an java interface defined by deegree can be registered to the deegree WPS; any one who is able to write some java code can create his own procresses. By default deegree WPS comes with one example process for buffering geometries.
The OGC WPS specification is available in different versions. deegree 2 implements version 0.4.0 of OGC WPS specification. This limits processes to be performed synchronously. OGC WPS 1.0.0 specification also provides for asynchronous process performance. This newer version is already available as part of the deegree 3 implementation; for details see the deegree wiki.