<%-- $HeadURL$ --%> <%@page contentType="text/html" %> <%@page import="java.util.*" %> <%@page import="org.deegree.model.spatialschema.Envelope" %> <%@page import="org.deegree.portal.standard.csw.control.Constants" %> <%@page import="org.deegree.portal.standard.csw.model.*" %> selected_items

Selected Items

<% ShoppingCart cart = (ShoppingCart)request.getAttribute( Constants.SESSION_SHOPPINGCART ); List contents = (ArrayList)cart.getContents(); if ( contents != null && contents.size() > 0 ) { %> <% for( int i = 0; i < contents.size(); i++ ) { DataSessionRecord dsr = (DataSessionRecord)contents.get(i); ServiceSessionRecord[] ssrArray = (ServiceSessionRecord[])dsr.getServices(); String dId = null; String dCatalog = null; String dTitle = null; String serviceCatalogs = ""; Envelope bbox = null; if ( ssrArray != null ) { dCatalog = dsr.getCatalogName(); dId = dsr.getIdentifier(); dTitle = dsr.getTitle(); bbox = dsr.getBoundingBox(); %> <% } // end if( ssrArray != null ) } // end for(contents.size()) %> <% // end if ( contents != null && contents.size() > 0 ) } else { %> <% } %>

Your selection contains the following items:

<% out.print( dTitle ); %> " /> <% if ( bbox != null ) { %> " value="<% out.print( bbox.getMin().getX() + "," ); out.print( bbox.getMin().getY() + "," ); out.print( bbox.getMax().getX() + "," ); out.print( bbox.getMax().getY() ); %>" /> <% //} else { //out.print( " -- no bbox -- " ); } %> <% for( int j = 0; j < ssrArray.length; j++ ) { String sType = ssrArray[j].getServiceType(); if ( "OGC:WMS".equals(sType) ) { out.print( "viewable" ); } else if ( "OGC:WFS".equals(sType) ) { out.print( "downlaodable" ); } else { out.print( "unknown service type: " + sType ); } //out.print( ssrArray[j].getServiceAddress() ); //out.print( ssrArray[j].getServiceTypeVersion() ); } %>

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