About deegree

  Copyright by:

Uni Bonn

deegree is a free software initiative founded by the GIS and Remote Sensing unit of the Department of Geography, University of Bonn, and lat/lon. We would gladly welcome any contribution to further development and implementation.

The Free Software project deegree offers the substantial building blocks for the building of a Spatial Data Infrastructure by implementing the standards of the Open GIS Consortium (OGC) and ISO/TC 211. As the whole architecture of deegree is based on OGC specifications and concepts, there are no problems to integrate standardized products of other vendors (e.g. ArcIMS by ESRI(c)).

All of the mentioned server-side services and the client framework are supplied by the Open Source project deegree. deegree is free software, no license costs have to be provided to use it. It can be copied and distributed freely, even an extension of enhancement of the system does not result in license costs. Openness of the source code underlines investment security of the system. As deegree is implemented in Java it is platform-independent and can be utilized in heterogeneous networks. Installations are already running on Windows XP/2000/NT, LINUX, Macintosh OS X and Solaris Servers.

deegree is free in the sense that it is protected by the GNU Lesser General Public License .

Map overview nach oben

Display of position

The map overview indicates the position and size of the actual map window relative to the regional overview with a red frame. When viewing a very small map section (large-scale maps) the red frame will be replaced by crosshairs .

The map window can be repositioned by clicking on any place in the map overview. The click point will then be the center of the new map. This will not change the map size.

Toolbar   go up

Some tools trigger an action or open a dialogue for further entries, immediately.
Other tools control the function of a mouse click in the map window. The currently active mode can be recognised by a different color of the corresponding icon. A selected mode stays active until another mode tool will be selected.

Refresh map

The actual map section will be refreshed. Especially after changing the visibility of layers this is useful.

Initial view

The currently selected map will be reloaded with its initial state. For this purpose the map window will be positioned to the section which was initially loaded. The visibility of layers and the marking for data queries will be reset to the predefined values. Layers which were loaded by the dialogue add WMS to layerlist will be deleted from the layerlist.

Previous view

Access the current map view with the previous bounding box from the history

Next view

Access the current map view with the next bounding box from the history

Zoom in

In this mode a click on any place inside the map window will center the map to that position and increase the map scale by 25% (e.g. from 1:5000 to 1:3750).
Alternatively with pressed left mouse button you can drag a rectangle within the map window, which will then be displayed completely in the map window.

Zoom out

In this mode a click on any place inside the map window will center the map to that position and reduce the map scale by 25% (e.g. from 1:500 to 1:750).

Zoom to layer

This tool zooms in to the standard bounding box of the selected layer.

Request feature info

In this mode a click onto the map inside the map window will trigger a feature info request. The result will be displayed in a new window.

The data queries refer to the layer with the current marking for data queries


The map section will be centered to the position which was clicked on in the map window.

Move map

In this mode you can click on the map at any place and it can be moved with pressed left mouse button. By releasing the mouse button the movement will be terminated and the missing parts of the map will be loaded automatically. The map scale will not be influenced by this action.


This tool opens a dialogue which provides the opportunity to load further maps from WMSs in the internet. Layers from these internet servers which are selected by the user will then be added to the layerlist.

Print map

A mouse click on this button opens a window, where a pdf document of the current map view can be generated. Additionally you can specify a title, a description and the author of the map by using the three text fields.
There are two templates for the document; One with horizontal and one with vertical alignment.

Menubar   go up

Save context

With a click on this button you can save the current processing state of a map. This not only includes the current bounding box, but also the visible layers and their order.

The name of the context you want to save can be specified in a text field. If a context with this name already exists the existing one will be overwritten.

Load context

Contexts that were saved or provided by the administrator, can be loaded by a mouse click on this button. Initially a dialogue will be opened where all available contexts are listed in a drop down list.

After selecting a context and clicking on the save button it will be loaded into the portal.


A mouse click on this button opens this help page.


To restrict access to certain tasks or views to registered users, it is possible to provide a user with a sessionID. This sessionID is granted on login by entering a valid user name and password. After login, this sessionId will be attached to each request and verified. To have this functionality enabled in the portal, the administrator needs to configure deegree.security components.


When a user is logged in, this button will enable logout and kill the user's session.

Scale   go up

Scale levels

a drop-down list enables to select between different predefined map scales.

Theme selection nach oben

Theme selection

The drop down list enables you to choose a different map context.

Switch between legend and layer list   go up

drop-down list

With this control you can switch between the view of the layerlist and the legend. The related element (layerlist or legend) is shown below the toggle switch.

Layerlist   go up

Visibility of layers

The visibility of layers will be controlled by the check box in front of the layer's name. Only the checked (="visible") layers will be requested from the corresponding Web Map Service and incorporated into the map image. Changes in this setting will not force a new map request automatically, this has to be triggered by clicking the refresh button.

Layers highlighted in grey can not be displayed in the preset map section. For layers added to the map by the dialogue Add WMS, this function is not available.

Allocation of data queries

These radio buttons (  /  ) control which layer is requested for feature info request. The feature info request can refer to only one layer, so the selection of a new layer will reset a previously made selection

Layers that are not queriable for feature info are not provided with a radio button.

If a layer which is set to "not visible" at visibility of layers ) is selected for feature info, it will also be set to visible (  ).

Re-sort layerlist

When the map image is built the single layers will be displayed in the same order as they are displayed in the layerlist. Therefore the topmost layer of the layerlist will be drawn on top of all the other layers in the map window and so it possibly covers subjacent layers. The user can move single layers within the layerlist and sort the list to his individual convenience to avoid undesired overlay effects.

The single layer to be moved has to be selected by clicking on its name. The related line will be highlighted in yellow (see fig. left). By clicking on the controls or at the bottom of the layerlist the selected layer will be moved one line up or down. Resorting the layerlist will not automatically force a new map request, this has to be triggered by the user by clicking on the tool refresh. Single layers can only be moved within their own layergroup.

Remove and resort layergroups

For each additional map offer the user added through the dialogue Add WMS, a new layergroup will be added to the layerlist. The the same WMS can be added several times (e.g. with different layers). In this case several layergroups will be displayed with the same name.

If there are multiple layergroups in the layerlist, additional buttons appear next to their names: The button "remove layergroup will remove the whole group from the layerlist. This will cause an automatic rebuild of the map without the layers of the removed WMS.

The buttons "move layergroup up" or "move layergroup down" a particular layergroup can be moved up or down within the layerlist. Unwanted overlay effects between different groups can be prevented by this. Buttons are only displayed for those directions to which a movement is possible. After moving a layergroup up or down, a new map with the changed display order will be created automatically.

Legend   go up

Legend graphics

In the legend area a legend graphic will be displayed for basically each visible layer (visibility of layers), which explains the cartographic presentation of the respective layer. An exemplary legend graphic is shown to the left.

Place holder

Additional map offers which the user added with the dialogue add WMS sometimes do not offer a legend to be displayed. Reason: the legend graphic request for a WMS is standardized, but the actual delivery of a legend graphic is not mandatory. Thus many WMS do not support the request of legends at the moment.

In those cases a placeholder graphic will be displayed together with the title (title)of the map layer(layer), as shown in the adjoining example.

Coordinate display nach oben

The coordinates matching the current mouse position are displayed.

Timeselect  go up

Time select

The Timeselect modul offers to request and display time-dependant data.

The icon opens a new window, where time parameters may be specified for the map request.


Time select parameter form

The form takes a date and a time value, which will be added to the GetMap request as time-parameter. Further, the form allows to select layergroups from a drop down list for which this time parameter shall be evaluated.

The date may either be entered directly with the keyboard (YYYY-MM-DD), or by clicking the calandar symbol. The time (hours and minutes) may be selected from the drop down lists.

Metadata search  go up

This module offers metadata search via CSW services.


Simple & Advanced Search

After starting the module (opens in a new window), you may choose between simple and detailed (advanced) search. Simple searches only take a single search string. Detailed searches offer to restrict the search by topic, date and time or area.


Layer Based Search

You find this icon at the bottom of the layerlist. When a layer gets selected by clicking on the layer name, this icon may change from inactive (greyish) to active (blueish), depending on whether metadata info is availible for this specific layer.

clicking on the (active) icon will open a new window containing the metadata.

Gazetteer   go up

The gazetteer module provides a simple opportunity to search for terms with spatial reference and to reposition the map window to the related map section. Drop down lists and input fields are offered for that purpose, which change depending on the selected gazetteer search.

Drop down list "Search for.."

Select a catalogue with spatial terms for which to search for.

The behaviour of the other controls depends on the selected catalogue.


deegree iGeoPortal provides a module to digitize and transfer own data using WFS transaction. To use the digitizer module, a WFS and a WMS need to be configured for the digitized features. Some adjustments in the digitizer module itself need to be made as well. Please have a look at the documentation for further details.