#$HeadURL$ # Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # NOTE This is here to show what could be used - it is NOT currently used - all services are disabled. # # # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # S E R V I C E S # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Classes for Turbine Services should be defined here. # Format: services.[name].classname=[implementing class] # # To specify properties of a service use the following syntax: # service.[name].[property]=[value] # # The order that these services is listed is important! The # order that is stated here is the order in which the services # will be initialized. Keep this is mind if you have services # that depend on other services during initialization. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #services.FactoryService.classname=org.apache.fulcrum.factory.TurbineFactoryService #services.PoolService.classname=org.apache.fulcrum.pool.TurbinePoolService #services.MimeTypeService.classname=org.apache.fulcrum.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService #services.SchedulerService.classname=org.apache.fulcrum.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService #services.XmlRpcService.classname=org.apache.fulcrum.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService #services.UploadService.classname=org.apache.fulcrum.upload.TurbineUploadService #services.SecurityService.classname=org.apache.fulcrum.security.impl.db.DBSecurityService #services.DatabaseService.classname=org.apache.fulcrum.db.TurbineDatabaseService #services.XSLTService.classname=org.apache.fulcrum.xslt.TurbineXSLTService #services.BSFService.classname=org.apache.fulcrum.bsf.TurbineBSFService #services.GlobalCacheService.classname=org.apache.fulcrum.cache.TurbineGlobalCacheService #services.TemplateService.classname=org.apache.fulcrum.template.TurbineTemplateService #services.LocalizationService.classname=org.apache.fulcrum.localization.TurbineLocalizationService #services.IntakeService.classname=org.apache.fulcrum.intake.TurbineIntakeService # Turn on the appropriate template service. #services.VelocityService.classname=org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocityService # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # D A T A B A S E S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # These are your database settings. Look in the # org.apache.turbine.util.db.pool.* packages for more information. # The default driver for Turbine is for MySQL. # # The parameters to connect to the default database. You MUST # configure these properly. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- #services.DatabaseService.database.default=default #services.DatabaseService.database.default.driver=org.hsql.jdbcDriver #services.DatabaseService.database.default.url=jdbc:HypersonicSQL:${webappRoot}/WEB-INF/db/jetspeed #services.DatabaseService.database.default.username=sa #services.DatabaseService.database.default.password= # The number of database connections to cache per ConnectionPool # instance (specified per database). services.DatabaseService.database.default.maxConnections=3 # The amount of time (in milliseconds) that database connections will be # cached (specified per database). # # Default: one hour = 60 * 60 * 1000 services.DatabaseService.database.default.expiryTime=3600000 # The amount of time (in milliseconds) a connection request will have to wait # before a time out occurs and an error is thrown. # # Default: ten seconds = 10 * 1000 services.DatabaseService.database.connectionWaitTimeout=10000 # The interval (in milliseconds) between which the PoolBrokerService logs # the status of it's ConnectionPools. # # Default: No logging = 0 = 0 * 1000 services.DatabaseService.database.logInterval=0 # These are the supported JDBC drivers and their associated Turbine # adapter. These properties are used by the DBFactory. You can add # all the drivers you want here. services.DatabaseService.database.adapter=DBMM services.DatabaseService.database.adapter.DBMM=org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver # Determines if the quantity column of the IDBroker's id_table should # be increased automatically if requests for ids reaches a high # volume. services.DatabaseService.idbroker.cleverquantity=true # Determines if IDBroker should prefetch IDs or not. If set to false # this property has the effect of shutting off the housekeeping thread # that attempts to prefetch the id's. It also sets the # of id's grabbed # per request to 1 regardless of the settings in the database. # Default: true services.DatabaseService.idbroker.prefetch=true services.DatabaseService.earlyInit = true # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # C A C H E S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Interval at which the cache will be checked. The default is # 5000ms or 5 seconds. services.GlobalCacheService.cacheCheckFrequency = 5000 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # B S F S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- services.BSFService.scriptsDirectory = WEB-INF/scripts services.BSFService.defaultExtension = py # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # T E M P L A T E S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # There is no configuration anymore, just an abstract front # end to underlying template engines like velocity, webmacro, # and JSP. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # V E L O C I T Y S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # The location of Velocity configuration file, relative to webapp root # These properties will override the default properties set by Velocity. # You should specify the path to the templates directories as well as # the path to the log file and they should also be relative to webapp root services.VelocityService.template.extension=vm services.VelocityService.default.page.template = /Default.vm services.VelocityService.default.layout.template = /Default.vm services.VelocityService.runtime.log=/logs/velocity.log #services.VelocityService.input.encoding=UTF-8 services.VelocityService.velocimacro.library = GlobalMacros.vm services.VelocityService.resource.loader = file services.VelocityService.file.resource.loader.description = Velocity File Resource Loader services.VelocityService.file.resource.loader.class = org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.FileResourceLoader services.VelocityService.file.resource.loader.path = /templates/app services.VelocityService.file.resource.loader.cache = false services.VelocityService.file.resource.loader.modificationCheckInterval = 2 services.VelocityService.resource.loader = classpath services.VelocityService.classpath.resource.loader.description = Velocity Classpath Resource Loader services.VelocityService.classpath.resource.loader.class = org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader services.VelocityService.eventCartridge.classes = services.VelocityService.earlyInit = true # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # J S P S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- services.JspService.template.extension=jsp services.JspService.default.page.template = /Default.jsp services.JspService.default.layout.template = /Default.jsp services.JspService.templates = /templates/app services.JspService.buffer.size = 8192 services.JspService.earlyInit = true # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # U P L O A D S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Whether the files should be automatically picked up by # ParameterParser. services.UploadService.automatic=true # # The directory where files will be temporarily stored. # services.UploadService.repository=. # # The maximum size of a request that will be processed. # services.UploadService.size.max=1048576 # # The maximum size of a request that will have it's elements cached in # memory by TurbineUploadService class. # services.UploadService.size.threshold=0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # L O C A L I Z A T I O N S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default ResourceBundle and language/country codes used by the # TurbineLocalizationService. # services.LocalizationService.locale.default.bundle=MyBundle services.LocalizationService.locale.default.language=en services.LocalizationService.locale.default.country=US # # This will set the charset= portion of the ContentType: header. # Leave commented out unless you want to return stuff as a different # charset. # # services.LocalizationService.locale.default.charset= # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # M I M E T Y P E S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This property specifies a file containing mappings between MIME # content types and the corresponding file name extensions. The # service itself contains a hardcoded set of most common mappings. # The file must use the same syntax as the mime.types file of # the Apache Server, i.e. # ... # #services.MimeTypeService.mime.types=/WEB-INF/conf/mime.types # This property specifies a file containing mappings between locales # and the corresponding character encodings. The service itself # contains a hardcoded set of most common mappings. # The file should use the Java property file syntax, i.e. # = # #services.MimeTypeService.charsets=/WEB-INF/conf/charset.properties # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # S C H E D U L E R S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set enabled to true to start the scheduler. # # Default = false # services.SchedulerService.earlyInit = false # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # S E C U R I T Y S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This is the class that implements the User interface. # You want to override this setting only if you want your User # implementation to provide application specific addtional # functionality. # # Default: org.apache.fulcrum.security.impl.db.entity.TurbineUser # services.SecurityService.user.class=org.apache.fulcrum.security.impl.db.entity.TurbineUser # # This setting is DBSecurityService specific - this class is consulted for the names # of the columns in the users' tables for the purpose of creating join queries. # If you use your own User implementation in conjunction with DBSecurityService, # it's peer class must implement org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.UserPeer interface, # and you need to specify the name of the peer class here. # # Default: org.apache.fulcrum.security.impl.db.entity.TurbineUserPeer # services.SecurityService.userPeer.class=org.apache.fulcrum.security.impl.db.entity.TurbineUserPeer # # This is the class that implements UserManager interface. # Override this setting if you want your User information stored # on a different medium (LADP directory is a good example). # Default implementation uses Peers and a relational database . # services.SecurityService.user.manager=org.apache.fulcrum.security.impl.db.DBUserManager # # This is used by the SecurityService to make the password checking # secure. When enabled, passwords are transformed by a one-way # function into a sequence of bytes that is base64 encoded. # It is impossible to guess the plain-text form of the password # from the representation. When user logs in, the entered password # is transformed the same way and then compared with stored value. # # Default: false # services.SecurityService.secure.passwords=false # # This property lets you choose what digest algorithm will be used # for encrypting passwords. Check documentation of your JRE for # available algorithms. # # Default: SHA # services.SecurityService.secure.passwords.algorithm=SHA # Configuration for the LDAP Security Service implementation #services.SecurityService.ldap.security.athentication=simple #services.SecurityService.ldap.port= #services.SecurityService.ldap.host= #services.SecurityService.ldap.admin.username= #services.SecurityService.ldap.admin.password= #services.SecurityService.ldap.user.basesearch= #services.SecurityService.ldap.user.search.filter= #services.SecurityService.ldap.dn.attribute=userPrincipalName #services.SecurityService.ldap.provider=com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # X M L R P C S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # This property specifies which class should be used to parse # xml for XmlRpc functionality. # # Default: org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser services.XmlRpcService.parser=org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser # This property specifies which port the server part of the XmlRpc # should listen, if it is active. # # Default: 12345 services.XmlRpcService.port=12345 # If any classes are specified here, the Service will create an # instance of them here and start up a listener on the specified # port. # # Note that the handlers demonstrated are not very useful. You # will have to invent your own services. They do however # illustrate that any class with a default constructor can be # added here # # The handler parameter without further extension determines # the default handler for the service # # Default: no classes are specified by default #services.XmlRpcService.handler.$default=java.util.Hashtable #services.XmlRpcService.handler.stringhandler=java.lang.String # The following properties allow the transfer of data between # separate Turbine applications running on different servers. # This allows B2B type behavior such as sending database # updates in the form of XML or whatever type of data # that needs to be shared between Turbine applications # running on separate servers. services.XmlRpcService.handler.file = org.apache.fulcrum.xmlrpc.util.FileHandler services.XmlRpcService.paranoid = false services.XmlRpcService.acceptClient = 192.168.1.* services.XmlRpcService.denyClient = # Do we want a secure server services.XmlRpcService.secure.server = false # Secure server options services.XmlRpcService.secure.server.option.java.protocol.handler.pkgs = \ com.sun.net.ssl.internal.www.protocol services.XmlRpcService.secure.server.option.security.provider = \ com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider services.XmlRpcService.secure.server.option.security.protocol = TLS # You probably want to keep your key stores and trust stores # clear out of your webapp. services.XmlRpcService.secure.server.option.javax.net.ssl.keyStore = /tmp/keystore services.XmlRpcService.secure.server.option.javax.net.ssl.keyStoreType = jks services.XmlRpcService.secure.server.option.javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword = password services.XmlRpcService.secure.server.option.javax.net.ssl.trustStore = /tmp/truststore services.XmlRpcService.secure.server.option.javax.net.ssl.trustStoreType = jks services.XmlRpcService.secure.server.option.javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword = password services.XmlRpcService.secure.server.option.sun.ssl.keymanager.type = SunX509 services.XmlRpcService.secure.server.option.sun.ssl.trust.manager.type = SunX509 # These values should be set to 'all' for debugging purposes. services.XmlRpcService.secure.server.option.javax.net.debug = none services.XmlRpcService.secure.server.option.java.security.debug = none services.XmlRpcService.earlyInit = true # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # P O O L S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default capacity of pools of the Object pooling service. # # Default: 128 services.PoolService.pool.capacity = 128 # Class specific capacities used instead of the default if specified. # #services.PoolService.pool.capacity.org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData=512 # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # F A C T O R Y S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # A comma separated list of classloaders (very optional) # # Example: org.foo.bar.MyClassLoader, org.ack.joe.YourClassLoader # #services.FactoryService.class.loaders= # Default factory to use when no custom factory is specified. # # Example: org.foo.bar.DefaultFactory # #services.FactoryService.factory.default= # Customized factories to be used instead of the default factory. # E.g. to instantiate XML parsers, SSL sockets, etc., which require # specific instantiation not supported by the default factory. # The property name is prefixed with "factory" followed by the # name of the production class. The value is the class name of # the factory implementing the Factory interface. The factory # will be instantiated by using the service itself. # # Examples: # # services.FactoryService.factory.javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder=org.foo.xml.DomBuilderFactory # services.FactoryService.factory.javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser=org.foo.xml.SaxParserFactory # services.FactoryService.factory.java.net.ServerSocket=org.foo.net.SslServerSocketFactory #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # # X S L T S E R V I C E # #-------------------------------------------------------------------- services.XSLTService.path = /path/to/stylesheets services.XSLTService.cache = false # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # I N T A K E S E R V I C E # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # The location of the xml file specifying valid inputs # ------------------------------------------------------------------- services.IntakeService.xml.path=@INTAKE_DESCRIPTOR@