<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@ page import="org.deegree.coordcalc.config.ConfigCRSObj"%> <%@ page import="org.deegree.coordcalc.config.Configuration"%> <%@ page import="org.deegree.coordcalc.batch.excel.ExcelReader"%> <%@page import="java.util.Map"%> <% Map crss = Configuration.getCRSObjects(); String lff = Configuration.getValue( "dcc:LocFormFields", "-error-" ); String cff = Configuration.getValue( "dcc:CompactFormFields", "-error-" ); String dff = Configuration.getValue( "dcc:DoubleFormFields", "-error-" ); String tff = Configuration.getValue( "dcc:TripleFormFields", "-error-" ); int countFormat = Configuration.count( "dcc:Formatter/dcc:format" ); String csvName = "CSV"; String csvDisplay = Configuration.getValue( "dcc:Formatter/dcc:format[@name='" + csvName + "']/dcc:display", null ); String shpName = "SHP"; String shpDisplay = Configuration.getValue( "dcc:Formatter/dcc:format[@name='" + shpName + "']/dcc:display", null ); String kmlName = "KML"; String kmlDisplay = Configuration.getValue( "dcc:Formatter/dcc:format[@name='" + kmlName + "']/dcc:display", null ); String excelName = "EXCEL"; String excelDisplay = Configuration.getValue( "dcc:Formatter/dcc:format[@name='" + excelName + "']/dcc:display", null ); String gmlName = "GML"; String gmlDisplay = Configuration.getValue( "dcc:Formatter/dcc:format[@name='" + gmlName + "']/dcc:display", null ); String[] columns = (String[])session.getAttribute("HEADER"); boolean isExcel = false; boolean isGML = false; String sheetName = ""; if ( session.getAttribute( "FILE_TYPE" ).equals( "EXCEL" ) ) { isExcel = true; sheetName = (String) session.getAttribute( "SHEETNAME" ); if ( sheetName == null ) { sheetName = request.getParameter( "sheetname" ); } if( csvDisplay != null ){ csvDisplay = null; // no csv export for excel countFormat -= 1; } if( gmlDisplay != null ){ gmlDisplay = null; // no gml in, no gml out countFormat -= 1; } } else if ( session.getAttribute( "FILE_TYPE" ).equals( "GML" ) ) { isGML = true; // no other export for gml if( csvDisplay != null ){ csvDisplay = null; countFormat -= 1; } if( kmlDisplay != null ){ kmlDisplay = null; countFormat -= 1; }if( excelDisplay != null ){ excelDisplay = null; countFormat -= 1; } if( shpDisplay != null ){ shpDisplay = null; countFormat -= 1; } } else { if( excelDisplay != null ){ excelDisplay = null; // no excel in, no excel out countFormat -= 1; } if( gmlDisplay != null ){ gmlDisplay = null; // no gml in, no gml out countFormat -= 1; } } // WARNING: this is overruling the configuration parameter!!! String validMail = ""; //Configuration.getValue( "dcc:ValidEmailExtension", "" ); String kmlTargetCRS = Configuration.getValue( "dcc:KMLTargetCRS", "" ); String kmlMessage = Configuration.getValue( "dcc:KMLMessage", "" ); %> deegree coordinateCalculator - batch mode

Batch Mode


X-coordinate (longitude/easting)

Y-coordinate (latitude/northing)

field names are located in the first row

source coordinate reference system

map datum

target coordinate reference system

map datum

target format

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