/* Copyright 2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* * The Bridge class, responsible for navigating JS instances */ package bridge { /* * imports */ import flash.external.ExternalInterface; import flash.utils.Timer; import flash.events.*; import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.system.ApplicationDomain; import flash.utils.Dictionary; import flash.utils.setTimeout; import mx.collections.errors.ItemPendingError; import mx.core.IMXMLObject; import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName; import flash.utils.describeType; import flash.events.TimerEvent; /** * The FABridge class, responsible for proxying AS objects into javascript */ public class FABridge extends EventDispatcher implements IMXMLObject { /* * The Ajax Bridge generation signature. * DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE. */ public var ajxBrdg:String = "com.adobe.flexbuilder.ajaxbridge 0.0.0"; //holds a list of stuff to call later, to break the recurrence of the js <> as calls //you must use the full class name, as returned by the getQualifiedClassName() function public static const MethodsToCallLater:Object = new Object(); MethodsToCallLater["mx.collections::ArrayCollection"]="refresh,removeItemAt"; public static const EventsToCallLater:Object = new Object(); EventsToCallLater["mx.data.events::UnresolvedConflictsEvent"]="true"; EventsToCallLater["mx.events::PropertyChangeEvent"]="true"; public static const INITIALIZED:String = "bridgeInitialized"; // constructor public function FABridge() { super(); initializeCallbacks(); } // private vars /** * stores a cache of descriptions of AS types suitable for sending to JS */ private var localTypeMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); /** * stores an id-referenced dictionary of objects exported to JS */ private var localInstanceMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); /** * stores an id-referenced dictionary of functions exported to JS */ private var localFunctionMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); /** * stores an id-referenced dictionary of proxy functions imported from JS */ private var remoteFunctionCache:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); /** * stores a list of custom serialization functions */ private var customSerializersMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); /** * stores a map of object ID's and their reference count */ private var refMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); /** * a local counter for generating unique IDs */ private var nextID:Number = 0; private var lastRef:int; /* values that can't be serialized natively across the bridge are packed and identified by type. These constants represent different serialization types */ public static const TYPE_ASINSTANCE:uint = 1; public static const TYPE_ASFUNCTION:uint = 2; public static const TYPE_JSFUNCTION:uint = 3; public static const TYPE_ANONYMOUS:uint = 4; private var _initChecked:Boolean = false; // properties public function get rootObject():DisplayObject {return _rootObject;} public function set rootObject(value:DisplayObject):void { _rootObject = value; checkInitialized(); } public var bridgeName:String; private var _registerComplete:Boolean = false; public function incRef(objId:int):void { if(refMap[objId] == null) { //the object is being created; we now add it to the map and set its refCount = 1 //trace("adding object with id: " + objId + " to the refMap"); refMap[objId] = 1; } else { refMap[objId] = refMap[objId] +1; } //trace("increment:: refCount for " + objId + " is " + refMap[objId] + ", " + getQualifiedClassName(resolveRef(objId)) + ", " + arguments.callee.toString()); } public function releaseRef(objId:int):void { if(refMap[objId] != null) { var newRefVal:int = refMap[objId] - 1; //trace("decrement:: refCount for " + objId + " is " + newRefVal + ", " + getQualifiedClassName(resolveRef(objId)) + ", " + arguments.callee.toString()); if(refMap[objId] != null && newRefVal <= 0) { delete refMap[objId]; delete localInstanceMap[objId]; } else { refMap[objId] = newRefVal; } } } /** * attaches the callbacks to external interface */ public function initializeCallbacks():void { if (ExternalInterface.available == false) { return; } ExternalInterface.addCallback("getRoot", js_getRoot); ExternalInterface.addCallback("getPropFromAS", js_getPropFromAS); ExternalInterface.addCallback("setPropInAS", js_setPropertyInAS); ExternalInterface.addCallback("invokeASMethod", js_invokeMethod); ExternalInterface.addCallback("invokeASFunction", js_invokeFunction); ExternalInterface.addCallback("releaseASObjects", js_releaseASObjects); ExternalInterface.addCallback("create", js_create); ExternalInterface.addCallback("releaseNamedASObject",js_releaseNamedASObject); ExternalInterface.addCallback("incRef", incRef); ExternalInterface.addCallback("releaseRef", releaseRef); } private var _rootObject:DisplayObject; private var _document:DisplayObject; public function initialized(document:Object, id:String):void { _document = (document as DisplayObject); if (_document != null) { checkInitialized(); } } private function get baseObject():DisplayObject { return (rootObject == null)? _document:rootObject; } private function checkInitialized():void { if(_initChecked== true) { return; } _initChecked = true; // oops! timing error. Player team is working on it. var t:Timer = new Timer(200,1); t.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,auxCheckInitialized); t.start(); } private function auxCheckInitialized(e:Event):void { var bCanGetParams:Boolean = true; try { var params:Object = baseObject.root.loaderInfo.parameters; } catch (e:Error) { bCanGetParams = false; } if (bCanGetParams == false) { var t:Timer = new Timer(100); var timerFunc:Function = function(e:TimerEvent):void { if(baseObject.root != null) { try { bCanGetParams = true; var params:Object = baseObject.root.loaderInfo.parameters; } catch (err:Error) { bCanGetParams = false; } if (bCanGetParams) { t.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerFunc); t.stop(); dispatchInit(); } } } t.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerFunc); t.start(); } else { dispatchInit(); } } private function dispatchInit(e:Event = null):void { if(_registerComplete == true) { return; } if (ExternalInterface.available == false) { return; } if (bridgeName == null) { bridgeName = baseObject.root.loaderInfo.parameters["bridgeName"]; if(bridgeName == null) { bridgeName = "flash"; } } _registerComplete = ExternalInterface.call("FABridge__bridgeInitialized", [bridgeName]); dispatchEvent(new Event(FABridge.INITIALIZED)); } // serialization/deserialization /** serializes a value for transfer across the bridge. primitive types are left as is. Arrays are left as arrays, but individual * values in the array are serialized according to their type. Functions and class instances are inserted into a hash table and sent * across as keys into the table. * * For class instances, if the instance has been sent before, only its id is passed. If This is the first time the instance has been sent, * a ref descriptor is sent associating the id with a type string. If this is the first time any instance of that type has been sent * across, a descriptor indicating methods, properties, and variables of the type is also sent across */ public function serialize(value:*, keep_refs:Boolean=false):* { var result:* = {}; result.newTypes = []; result.newRefs = {}; if (value is Number || value is Boolean || value is String || value == null || value == undefined || value is int || value is uint) { result = value; } else if (value is Array) { result = []; for(var i:int = 0; i < value.length; i++) { result[i] = serialize(value[i], keep_refs); } } else if (value is Function) { // serialize a class result.type = TYPE_ASFUNCTION; result.value = getFunctionID(value, true); } else if (getQualifiedClassName(value) == "Object") { result.type = TYPE_ANONYMOUS; result.value = value; } else { // serialize a class result.type = TYPE_ASINSTANCE; // make sure the type info is available var className:String = getQualifiedClassName(value); var serializer:Function = customSerializersMap[className]; // try looking up the serializer under an alternate name if (serializer == null) { if (className.indexOf('$') > 0) { var split:int = className.lastIndexOf(':'); if (split > 0) { var alternate:String = className.substring(split+1); serializer = customSerializersMap[alternate]; } } } if (serializer != null) { return serializer.apply(null, [value, keep_refs]); } else { if (retrieveCachedTypeDescription(className, false) == null) { try { result.newTypes.push(retrieveCachedTypeDescription(className, true)); } catch(err:Error) { var interfaceInfo:XMLList = describeType(value).implementsInterface; for each (var interf:XML in interfaceInfo) { className = interf.@type.toString(); if (retrieveCachedTypeDescription(className, false) == null){ result.newTypes.push(retrieveCachedTypeDescription(className, true)); } //end if push new data type } //end for going through interfaces var baseClass:String = describeType(value).@base.toString(); if (retrieveCachedTypeDescription(baseClass, false) == null){ result.newTypes.push(retrieveCachedTypeDescription(baseClass, true)); } //end if push new data type } } // make sure the reference is known var objRef:Number = getRef(value, false); var should_keep_ref:Boolean = false; if (isNaN(objRef)) { //create the reference if necessary objRef = getRef(value, true); should_keep_ref = true; } result.newRefs[objRef] = className; //trace("serializing new reference: " + className + " with value" + value); //the result is a getProperty / invokeMethod call. How can we know how much you will need the object ? if (keep_refs && should_keep_ref) { incRef(objRef); } result.value = objRef; } } return result; } /** * deserializes a value passed in from javascript. See serialize for details on how values are packed and * unpacked for transfer across the bridge. */ public function deserialize(valuePackage:*):* { var result:*; if (valuePackage is Number || valuePackage is Boolean || valuePackage is String || valuePackage === null || valuePackage === undefined || valuePackage is int || valuePackage is uint) { result = valuePackage; } else if(valuePackage is Array) { result = []; for (var i:int = 0; i < valuePackage.length; i++) { result[i] = deserialize(valuePackage[i]); } } else if (valuePackage.type == FABridge.TYPE_JSFUNCTION) { result = getRemoteFunctionProxy(valuePackage.value, true); } else if (valuePackage.type == FABridge.TYPE_ASFUNCTION) { throw new Error("as functions can't be passed back to as yet"); } else if (valuePackage.type == FABridge.TYPE_ASINSTANCE) { result = resolveRef(valuePackage.value); } else if (valuePackage.type == FABridge.TYPE_ANONYMOUS) { result = valuePackage.value; } return result; } public function addCustomSerialization(className:String, serializationFunction:Function):void { customSerializersMap[className] = serializationFunction; } // type management /** * retrieves a type description for the type indicated by className, building one and caching it if necessary */ public function retrieveCachedTypeDescription(className:String, createifNecessary:Boolean):Object { if(localTypeMap[className] == null && createifNecessary == true) { localTypeMap[className] = buildTypeDescription(className); } return localTypeMap[className]; } public function addCachedTypeDescription(className:String, desc:Object):Object { if (localTypeMap[className] == null) { localTypeMap[className] = desc; } return localTypeMap[className]; } /** * builds a type description for the type indiciated by className */ public function buildTypeDescription(className:String):Object { var desc:Object = {}; className = className.replace(/::/,"."); var objClass:Class = Class(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.getDefinition(className)); var xData:XML = describeType(objClass); desc.name = xData.@name.toString(); var methods:Array = []; var xMethods:XMLList = xData.factory.method; for (var i:int = 0; i < xMethods.length(); i++) { methods.push(xMethods[i].@name.toString()); } desc.methods = methods; var accessors:Array = []; var xAcc:XMLList = xData.factory.accessor; for (i = 0; i < xAcc.length(); i++) { accessors.push(xAcc[i].@name.toString()); } xAcc = xData.factory.variable; for (i = 0; i < xAcc.length(); i++) { accessors.push(xAcc[i].@name.toString()); } desc.accessors = accessors; return desc; } // instance mgmt /** * resolves an instance id passed from JS to an instance previously cached for representing in JS */ private function resolveRef(objRef:Number):Object { try { return (objRef == -1)? baseObject : localInstanceMap[objRef]; } catch(e:Error) { return serialize("__FLASHERROR__"+"||"+e.message); } return (objRef == -1)? baseObject : localInstanceMap[objRef]; } /** * returns an id associated with the object provided for passing across the bridge to JS */ public function getRef(obj:Object, createIfNecessary:Boolean):Number { try { var ref:Number; if (createIfNecessary) { var newRef:Number = nextID++; localInstanceMap[newRef] = obj; ref = newRef; } else { for (var key:* in localInstanceMap) { if (localInstanceMap[key] === obj) { ref = key; break; } } } } catch(e:Error) { return serialize("__FLASHERROR__"+"||"+e.message) } return ref; } // function management /** * resolves a function ID passed from JS to a local function previously cached for representation in JS */ private function resolveFunctionID(funcID:Number):Function { return localFunctionMap[funcID]; } /** * associates a unique ID with a local function suitable for passing across the bridge to proxy in Javascript */ public function getFunctionID(f:Function, createIfNecessary:Boolean):Number { var ref:Number; if (createIfNecessary) { var newID:Number = nextID++; localFunctionMap[newID] = f; ref = newID; } else { for (var key:* in localFunctionMap) { if (localFunctionMap[key] === f) { ref = key; } break; } } return ref; } /** * returns a proxy function that represents a function defined in javascript. This function can be called syncrhonously, and will * return any values returned by the JS function */ public function getRemoteFunctionProxy(functionID:Number, createIfNecessary:Boolean):Function { try { if (remoteFunctionCache[functionID] == null) { remoteFunctionCache[functionID] = function(...args):* { var externalArgs:Array = args.concat(); externalArgs.unshift(functionID); //trace("eaLength " + externalArgs.length); var serializedArgs:* = serialize(externalArgs, true); if(checkToThrowLater(serializedArgs[1])) { setTimeout(function a():* { try { var retVal:* = ExternalInterface.call("FABridge__invokeJSFunction", serializedArgs); for(var i:int = 0; i result: " + FABridge.MethodsToCallLater[className]); var classInfo:XML = describeType(obj); if (FABridge.MethodsToCallLater[className] != null) { methods = FABridge.MethodsToCallLater[className]; //must call later if(methods.match(methodName)) { return true; } } //check if this class doesn't inherit from one of the entries in the table var inheritanceInfo:XMLList = describeType(obj).extendsClass; for each (var inherit:XML in inheritanceInfo) { className = inherit.@type.toString(); if (FABridge.MethodsToCallLater[className] != null) { methods = FABridge.MethodsToCallLater[className]; //must call later if(methods.match(methodName)) { return true; } } } //end for going through inheritance tree //if we're still here, check the interfaces as well var interfaceInfo:XMLList = describeType(obj).implementsInterface; for each (var interf:XML in interfaceInfo) { className = interf.@type.toString(); if (FABridge.MethodsToCallLater[className] != null) { methods = FABridge.MethodsToCallLater[className]; //must call later if(methods.match(methodName)) { return true; } } } //end for going through inheritance tree //if nothing was found, return false, so the function gets executed return false; } private function js_releaseASObjects():void { localTypeMap = new Dictionary(); localInstanceMap = new Dictionary(); localFunctionMap = new Dictionary(); } private function js_releaseNamedASObject(objId:int):Boolean { var retVal:Boolean = false; //trace("objID: " + objId + " with map entry: " + localInstanceMap[objId] + " or with type " + localTypeMap[objId]); if (localInstanceMap[objId] != null) { delete refMap[objId]; delete localInstanceMap[objId]; retVal = true; } return retVal; } private function js_create(className:String):* { try { var c:Class = Class(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.getDefinition(className)); var instance:Object = new c(); } catch(e:Error) { return serialize("__FLASHERROR__" + "||" + e.message); } // make sure the reference is known var objRef:Number = getRef(instance, true); incRef(objRef); return serialize(instance); } } }