Lbl_Title = Title Tlt_Title = Title of server for use in the Geoide Author Lbl_Owner = Owner Tlt_Owner = User(loginname), becomes automatically 'owner' of this server configuration. Lbl_Scope = Scope Tlt_Scope = Select 'private' if server configuration is not (yet) available for third parties. 'Public' means that this server configration can be used by other authors. Lbl_Service = Service Tlt_Service = Type of service: indicates the service of the server, like WMS,WFS or GI(=geoide server). Lbl_Version = Version Tlt_Version = Versionnumber of the service. Lbl_OnlineResource = Online resource Tlt_OnlineResource = URL of the service. Lbl_Description = Additional info Tlt_Description = Any additional information about the server configuration. Lbl_Proxy = Proxy Tlt_Proxy = Proxy Lbl_Security = Security Tlt_Security = Security Msg_InvalidOnlineResource = Not a valid online resource Msg_TileNotUnique= Title is already in use