Lbl_Server = Server Lbl_ServerName = Name Tlt_ServerName = Server that executes the query Lbl_ServerLayer = Layer Tlt_ServerLayer = Name of (geoide)maplayer in which to query (only for geoide server). Lbl_Querytype = Query type Tlt_Querytype = Simple or advanced query (see help). Lbl_Actions = Actions Tlt_Actions = Query actions, possible actions queried objects Lbl_Properties = Query columns Tlt_Properties= Columns for building the query expression (featuretype properties). Lbl_PropertiesOperandTitle = Operand Lbl_PropertiesOperandvalueft = Datasource Tlt_PropertiesOperandvalueft = Featuretype for operand values/labels, p.e. for choicelist of combobox Lbl_PropertiesOperandvaluefield = Values Tlt_PropertiesOperandvaluefield = Featuretype column containing operand values, p.e. for choicelist of combobox Lbl_PropertiesOperandlabelfield = Labels Tlt_PropertiesOperandlabelfield = Featuretype column containing operand labels, p.e. for choicelist of combobox Lbl_PropertiesSearchtype = Component Tlt_PropertiesSearchtype = Operand Component (possible values Combobox, Textinput) Lbl_PropertiesFormat = Format Tlt_PropertiesFormat = Lbl_PropertiesOperators = Operators Tlt_PropertiesOperators = Operators for use in a query expression for this query column (only with advanced search) Lbl_Description = Additional info Tlt_Description = Any additional information for a queryaspect