Lbl_Server = Server Lbl_ServerName = Name Tlt_ServerName = Server that serves the layer. Lbl_ServerLayer = Layer Tlt_ServerLayer = Name of the layer on the server where the layer points to. Lbl_ScaleDenominator = Scale hint: Tlt_ScaleDenominator = Minimum en maximum scale on which mapinformation is displayed. Lbl_ScaleHintMin = min Lbl_ScaleHintMax = max Lbl_Public = Public? Lbl_Legend = Legend: Lbl_Visible = Initially visible Tlt_Visible = Layer initially checked in legend. Lbl_Expanded = Expanded in legend Tlt_Expanded = Layer initially expanded in legend. Lbl_NoLegendLayer = Shown in legend Tlt_NoLegendLayer = Layer shown in legend. Lbl_Selectable= Selectable Tlt_Selectable = Indicate if the objects (features) in this layer can be selected. Lbl_Editable = Editable Tlt_Editable = Indicate if the objects (features) in this layer can be edited. Lbl_FeatureServer = WFS Tlt_FeatureServer = Web Feature Server Lbl_FeatureTypeName = Feature type name Tlt_FeatureTypeName = Name of feature type for editing Lbl_ftName = Name Tlt_ftName = Featuretype property name for editing/display Lbl_ftValuesName = Lookup Table Tlt_ftValuesName = Featuretype name used as lookup table for combobox choicelist Lbl_ftValuesLabel = Label Tlt_ftValuesLabel = Featuretype property for combobox choicelist labels Lbl_ftValuesData = Lookup Field Tlt_ftValuesData = Featuretype propertyfor combobox choicelist values Lbl_Urlprefix = Url prefix Tlt_Urlprefix = A prefix for the hyperlink url Lbl_PopUpInfoUrl = Popup URL Tlt_PopUpInfoUrl = URL for "pop-up" information of layer in mapviewer. Lbl_PopUpInfoTrigger = Trigger for popup Tlt_PopUpInfoTrigger = Way of triggering "pop-up" information for features in a layer. 'MouseHoover' means that the pop-up is shown when moving the mouse over a map object, 'MouseClick' means that the pop-up is opened when clicking the object. Lbl_GeometryType = Geometry type Tlt_GeometryType = Geometry type of editing layer (point/line/polygon) Lbl_FeatureServer = WFS Tlt_FeatureServer = Web Feature Server Lbl_FeatureTypeName = Feature type name Tlt_FeatureTypeName = Name of feature type for editing Lbl_MapTipElement = Maptip element Tlt_MapTipElement = Xpath expression pointing to a xml element in the feature info response used for maptip Lbl_Sld = Sld url Tlt_Sld = Url pointing to the Styled Layer Descriptor document to be used for this (WMS)Layer Lbl_Format = Image format Tlt_Format = Image layer file format Lbl_HyperlinkProp= Hyperlink Tlt_HyperlinkProp= Feature type property used as hyperlink Lbl_AnnotationProp = Annotation Tlt_AnnotationProp = Feature type property used for annotation Lbl_ObjectOwnerProp= Object owner Tlt_ObjectOwnerProp = Feature type property containing object owner used for authorization Lbl_ObjectOwnerRole = Role(s) Tlt_ObjectOwnerRole = Role(s) used for authorization Lbl_PopUpInfo = PopUp properties: Lbl_SelectProperties = Selectable properties: Lbl_Description = Additional info Tlt_Description = Any additional information for a layer Lbl_Properties = Feature type properties: Lbl_LayerDescUrl = Layer info url Lbl_Options = Options