//------------------------------------------------------------------ -app_beta.mxml //date 11-12-2008 //buttons Btn_PasswordForgotten=Password forgotten Btn_LogIn=Login Btn_LogOut=Logout Btn_OutputWindow = OutputWindow Btn_Cancel = Cancel Btn_Save = Save Btn_OK = OK Btn_Close = Close //Labels Lbl_UserName=UserName Lbl_Password=Password //Panels Pnl_Login=Login Panel Msg_LoginFailed = Login failed Msg_ServerError = Coulnd't connect to server. //------------------------------------------------------------------ -Buttonbar.mxml //Buttons Btn_Context+=Context + Btn_Map+=Map + Btn_ExistingMap+=Existing map + Btn_Server+=Server + Btn_Layer+=Layer + Btn_Group+=Group + Btn_ExistingLayer+=Existing Layer + Btn_ExistingQueryAspect+=Existing Query Aspect + Btn_Remove=- Btn_Copy=Copy //------------------------------------------------------------------ -PropsNavigator.as //Tabs Tab_Context = Context properties Tab_Map = Map properties Tab_QueryAspect = Queryaspect properties Tab_Server = Server properties Tab_Grouplayer = Grouplayer properties Tab_Layer = Layer properties Tab_HelpSteps = Steps Tab_Help = Help Tab_Template = Template Tab_Report = Report //------------------------------------------------------------------ -formview_contextprops.mxml // Labels Lbl_ContextName = Name Lbl_ContextOwner = Owner //------------------------------------------------------------------ -formview_elayerprops // Labels Lbl_LayerVoorVerwijzing = Select existing layer Lbl_ELayer_Title = Title //------------------------------------------------------------------- -formview_layerprops // Labels Lbl_LayerName = Name Tlt_LayerName = Unique layer name for identification on server. Lbl_LayerTitle = Titles Tlt_LayerTitle = Layer title shown in the Geoide client legend and in the Author tree. Lbl_LayerScope = Scope Tlt_LayerScope = Select 'private' if layer configuration is not (yet) available for third parties. 'Public' means that this layer configration can be used by other authors. Lbl_LayerOwner = Owner Tlt_LayerOwner = User(loginname) becomes automatically 'owner' of this layer configuration. Lbl_LayerServer = Server Lbl_LayerServerName = Name Tlt_LayerServerName = Server that serves the layer. Lbl_LayerServerLayer = Layer Tlt_LayerServerLayer = Name of the layer on the server where the layer points to. Lbl_LayerScaleDenominator = Scale hint Tlt_LayerScaleDenominator = Minimum en maximum scale on which mapinformation is displayed. Lbl_LayerScaleHintMin = min Lbl_LayerScaleHintMax = max Lbl_LayerPublic = Public? Lbl_LayerLegend = Legend Lbl_LayerVisible = Initially visible? Tlt_LayerVisible = Layer initially checked in legend. Lbl_LayerExpanded = Expanded in legend? Tlt_LayerExpanded = Layer initially expanded in legend. Lbl_LayerNoLegendLayer = Shown in legend? Tlt_LayerNoLegendLayer = Layer shown in legend. Lbl_LayerSelectable= Selectable? Tlt_LayerSelectable = Indicate if the objects (features) in this layer can be selected. Lbl_LayerEditable = Editable? Tlt_LayerEditable = Indicate if the objects (features) in this layer can be edited. Tlt_ftGrid = Featuretype properties (for editing/display in attribute editor) Lbl_ftName = Name Tlt_ftName = Featuretype property name for editing/display Lbl_ftValuesName = Lookup Table Tlt_ftValuesName = Featuretype name used as lookup table for combobox choicelist Lbl_ftValuesLabel = Label Tlt_ftValuesLabel = Featuretype property for combobox choicelist labels Lbl_ftValuesData = Lookup Field Tlt_ftValuesData = Featuretype propertyfor combobox choicelist values Tlt_ftGrid+ = Add Featuretype property definition Tlt_ftGrid- = Remove Featuretype property definition Tlt_ftGridTitles = Titles for Featuretype properties Lbl_LayerUrlprefix = Url prefix Tlt_LayerUrlprefix = A prefix for the hyperlink url Lbl_LayerPopUpInfoUrl = Popup URL Tlt_LayerPopUpInfoUrl = URL for "pop-up" information of layer in mapviewer. Lbl_LayerPopUpInfoTrigger = Trigger for popup Tlt_LayerPopUpInfoTrigger = Way of triggering "pop-up" information for features in a layer. 'MouseHoover' means that the pop-up is shown when moving the mouse over a map object, 'MouseClick' means that the pop-up is opened when clicking the object. Lbl_LayerGeometryType = Geometry type Tlt_LayerGeometryType = Geometry type of editing layer (point/line/polygon) Lbl_LayerFeatureServer = WFS Tlt_LayerFeatureServer = Web Feature Server Lbl_LayerFeatureTypeName = Feature type name Tlt_LayerFeatureTypeName = Name of feature type for editing Lbl_LayerMapTipElement = Maptip element Tlt_LayerMapTipElement = Xpath expression pointing to a xml element in the feature info response used for maptip Lbl_LayerSld = Sld url Tlt_LayerSld = Url pointing to the Styled Layer Descriptor document to be used for this (WMS)Layer Lbl_LayerFormat = Image format Tlt_LayerFormat = Image layer file format Lbl_LayerHyperlinkProp= Hyperlink property Tlt_LayerHyperlinkProp= Feature type property used as hyperlink Lbl_LayerAnnotationProp = Annotation property Tlt_LayerAnnotationProp = Feature type property used for annotation Lbl_LayerObjectOwnerProp= Object owner property Tlt_LayerObjectOwnerProp = Feature type property containing object owner used for authorization Lbl_LayerObjectOwnerRole = Role(s) Tlt_LayerObjectOwnerRole = Role(s) used for authorization Lbl_LayerPopUpInfo = PopUp props. Lbl_LayerSelectProperties = Selectable props. Lbl_LayerDescription = Additional info Tlt_LayerDescription = Any additional information for a layer //Validators Val_LayerNameUnique = Layer name is not unique Lbl_QueryAspectName = Name Tlt_QueryAspectName = Name of queryaspect used in the queryaspect viewer in the Geoide client and as identification in the Author. Lbl_QueryAspectQuerytype = Query type Tlt_QueryAspectQuerytype = Simple or advanced query (see help). Lbl_QueryAspectLayername = Layer name Tlt_QueryAspectLayername = Name of (geoide)maplayer in which to query (only for geoide server). Lbl_QueryAspectTitle = Title Tlt_QueryAspectTitle = Title of query aspect for use in query window Lbl_QueryAspectServer = Server Tlt_QueryAspectServer = Server that executes the query Lbl_QueryAspectActions = Actions Tlt_QueryAspectActions = Query actions, possible actions queried objects Lbl_QueryAspectProperties = Query columns Tlt_QueryAspectProperties= Columns for building the query expression (featuretype properties). Lbl_QueryAspectPropertiesName = Name Tlt_QueryAspectPropertiesName = Name of featuretype to query(featuretype name) Lbl_QueryAspectPropertiesFtqueryfield = Query column Tlt_QueryAspectPropertiesFtqueryfield = Featuretype column to query Lbl_QueryAspectPropertiesTitle = Title Tlt_QueryAspectPropertiesTitle = Title of query column for use in query window Lbl_QueryAspectPropertiesOperandTitle = Operand Lbl_QueryAspectPropertiesOperandvalueft = Datasource Tlt_QueryAspectPropertiesOperandvalueft = Featuretype for operand values/labels, p.e. for choicelist of combobox Lbl_QueryAspectPropertiesOperandvaluefield = Values Tlt_QueryAspectPropertiesOperandvaluefield = Featuretype column containing operand values, p.e. for choicelist of combobox Lbl_QueryAspectPropertiesOperandlabelfield = Labels Tlt_QueryAspectPropertiesOperandlabelfield = Featuretype column containing operand labels, p.e. for choicelist of combobox Lbl_QueryAspectPropertiesSearchtype = Component Tlt_QueryAspectPropertiesSearchtype = Operand Component (possible values Combobox, Textinput) Lbl_QueryAspectPropertiesFormat = Format Tlt_QueryAspectPropertiesFormat = Lbl_QueryAspectPropertiesTooltip = Tooltip Tlt_QueryAspectPropertiesTooltip = Tooltip shown in query window for a query column Lbl_QueryAspectPropertiesNamespace = Namespace Tlt_QueryAspectPropertiesNamespace = Namespace for featuretype(properties) (only for WFS server) Lbl_QueryAspectPropertiesOperators = Operators Tlt_QueryAspectPropertiesOperators = Operators for use in a query expression for this query column (only with advanced search) Lbl_QueryAspectDescription = Additional info Tlt_QueryAspectDescription = Any additional information for a queryaspect //Validators Val_QueryAspectNameUnique = Query aspect name is not unique // Buttons Btn_Opzoeken = Lookup //------------------------------------------------------------------- -formview_mapprops.mxml // Labels Lbl_MapName = Name Tlt_MapName = Name of map for identification on server. Lbl_MapTitle = Titles Tlt_MapTitle = Title of the map, used in legend. Lbl_MapOwner = Owner Tlt_MapOwner = User(loginname) becomes automatically 'owner' of this map configuration. Lbl_MapScope = Scope Tlt_MapScope = Select 'private' if map configration is not (yet) available for third parties. 'Public' means that this map configration can be used by other authors. Lbl_MapInitialExtent = Initial extent. Tlt_MapInitialExtent = Initial extent of map (home), zoom extent after start-up. Lbl_MapInitialMinX = Min X Lbl_MapInitialMinY = Min Y Lbl_MapInitialMaxX = Max X Lbl_MapInitialMaxY = Max Y Lbl_MapUnboundFeatureLayer = Redlining Lbl_MapDisableInvisible = All layers visible Lbl_MapExtent = Extent Tlt_MapExtent = Maximum zoom extent of the map. Lbl_MapExtentMinX = Min X Lbl_MapExtentMinY = Min Y Lbl_MapExtentMaxX = Max X Lbl_MapExtentMaxY = Max Y Lbl_MapScales = Scales Tlt_MapScales = List of pre-defined scales for use in the scale picker of the Geoide client. Lbl_MapScale = Scale Tlt_MapScale = Scale limits for showing mapinformation. Lbl_MapScaleMin = Min Lbl_MapScaleMax = Max Lbl_MapZoomToScale = Zoom Lbl_MapSRSs = SRS's Tlt_MapSRSs = List of preselected coordinatesystems for map display. Lbl_MapStigmaURL = Stamp URL Tlt_MapStigmaURL = URL for stamp in map corner (p.e.copyright note). Lbl_MapDescription = Additional info Tlt_MapDescription = Any additional information for a map //Validators Val_MapNameUnique = Map name is not unique //------------------------------------------------------------------- -formview_reportprops.mxml Lbl_ReportName = Name Tlt_ReportName = Name of report for identification on server. Lbl_ReportTitle = Titles Tlt_ReportTitle = Title of the report, used in legend. Lbl_ReportDescription = Additional info Tlt_ReportDescription = Any additional information for this report Lbl_ReportURL = URL Tlt_ReportURL = URL pointing to the report servlet //Validators Val_ReportNameUnique = Report name is not unique //-------------------------------------------------------------------- -formview_ServerProps.mxml //Labels Lbl_ServerTitle = Title Tlt_ServerTitle = Title of server for use in the Geoide Author Lbl_ServerOwner = Owner Tlt_ServerOwner = User(loginname), becomes automatically 'owner' of this server configuration. Lbl_ServerScope = Scope Tlt_ServerScope = Select 'private' if server configuration is not (yet) available for third parties. 'Public' means that this server configration can be used by other authors. Lbl_ServerService = Service Tlt_ServerService = Type of service: indicates the service of the server, like WMS,WFS or GI(=geoide server). Lbl_ServerVersion = Version Tlt_ServerVersion = Versionnumber of the service. Lbl_ServerOnLineResource = Online resource Tlt_ServerOnLineResource = URL of the service. Lbl_ServerDescription = Additional info Tlt_ServerDescription = Any additional information about the server configuration. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- -formview_contextProps.mxml //Labels Lbl_ContextName = Name Tlt_ContextName = Unique name of context for use in the Geoide Author and to open the Geoide client with. Lbl_ContextOwner = Owner Tlt_ContextOwner = User(loginname) becomes automatically 'owner' of the context configuration. Lbl_ContextScope = Scope Tlt_ContextScope= Select 'private' if context configuration is (still) not available for third parties. 'Public' means that this context configration can be used by other authors. Lbl_ContextServerName = Transformation server Tlt_ContextServerName = Server that controls the transformation to different coordinate systems. Lbl_ContextDescription = Additional info Tlt_ContextDescription = Any additional information about the context configuration. //Validators Val_ContextNameUnique = Context name is not unique //-------------------------------------------------------------------- -components_Titles.mxml Lbl_TitlesLanguage = Language Lbl_TitlesTitle = Language Atl_GroupLayer = New group layer Atl_Layer = New layer Atl_Map = New map Atl_Server = New server Atl_Context = New context Atl_QueryAspect = New query aspect Etl_Layer = Add existing layer Etl_Map = Add existing map Etl_QueryAspect = Add existing query aspect Lbl_ExistingLayer = Existing layer: Lbl_ExistingMap = Existing map: Lbl_ExistingQueryAspect = Existing query aspect: Lbl_ExistingNoUnusedLayer = No unused layer found! Lbl_ExistingNoUnusedMap = No unused map found! Lbl_ExistingNoUnusedQueryAspect = No unused query aspect found! Lbl_ExistingTitle = Title: Lbl_ExistingServer = Server: Lbl_ExistingNoServer = No server File_HelpSteps = help/helpSteps-en.htm File_ContextHelp = help/context-help/en.htm File_GroupLayerHelp = help/grouplayer-help/en.htm File_ServerHelp = help/server-help/en.htm File_QueryAspectHelp = help/queryaspect-help/en.htm File_LayerHelp = help/layer-help/en.htm File_MapHelp = help/map-help/en.htm File_TemplateHelp = help/template-help/en.htm File_ReportHelp = help/report-help/en.htm File_GUIConfigHelp = help/guiConfig-help/en.htm File_ButtonBarHelp = help/buttonBar-help/en.htm File_ColorHelp = help/color-help/en.htm File_ButtonHelp = help/buttons-help/en.htm File_PaneHelp = help/pane-help/en.htm Lbl_ContextMaps = Contexts & Maps Lbl_Servers = Servers Btn_Save = Save Msg_LogoutChanges = You made changes.\nAre you sure you want to log out? Ttl_Question = Question Btn_ItemAdd = + Btn_ItemRemove = - Lbl_TemplateName = Name Tlt_TemplateName = Unique template name for identification on server. Lbl_TemplateTitle = Titles Tlt_TemplateTitle = Template title shown in the Geoide print dialog Lbl_TemplateScope = Scope Tlt_TemplateScope = Select 'private' if template configuration is not (yet) available for third parties. 'Public' means that this template configration can be used by other authors. Lbl_TemplateOwner = Owner Tlt_TemplateOwner = User(loginname) becomes automatically 'owner' of this template configuration. // 27-10-2008 Lbl_TemplatePaper = Paper Tlt_TemplatePaper = A4 paper size (210x297 mm) or A3 (297x420 mm) Lbl_TemplateMargin = Margin Tlt_TemplateMargin = Margin which will not be used for printing, for instance if printer does not support margin-free printing. Lbl_TemplateMarginTop = top Lbl_TemplateMarginBottom = bottom Lbl_TemplateMarginLeft = left Lbl_TemplateMarginRight = right Lbl_TemplateBorder = Border Tlt_TemplateBorder = Black border will be placed around this item. Lbl_TemplateElements = Elements Tlt_TemplateElements = The items of the template. Lbl_TemplatePosition = Positition x,y: Lbl_TemplateDimension = Dimension width, height: Lbl_TemplateUrl = Url Lbl_TemplateMap = Map Lbl_TemplateMapRedlining = Redlining Lbl_TemplateTitle = Title Lbl_TemplateTitleInTemplate = Title in template Lbl_TemplateTitleTitle = Title Lbl_TemplateTitleFont = Font Lbl_TemplateTitleSize = Size Lbl_TemplateTitleSubTitle = Subtitle Lbl_TemplateLegend = Legend Lbl_TemplateLegendInTemplate = Legend in template Lbl_TemplateLegendSeperatePage = Legend on seperate page Lbl_TemplateOverview = Overview Lbl_TemplateOverviewInTemplate = Overview in template Lbl_TemplateLogo = Logo Lbl_TemplateLogoInTemplate = Logo in template Lbl_TemplateNorthArrow = North arrow Lbl_TemplateNorthArrowInTemplate = North arrow in template Lbl_TemplateScale = Scale Lbl_TemplateScaleInTemplate = Scale in template Lbl_TemplateRemark = Remark Lbl_TemplateRemarkText = Text Lbl_TemplateRemarkInTemplate = remark/additional info in template Lbl_TemplateCopyright = Copyright Lbl_TemplateCopyrightText = Text Lbl_TemplateCopyrightInTemplate = Copyright mention in template Lbl_TemplateIdentify = Identify Lbl_TemplateIdentifyInTemplate = Identify in template /*------------------------------------------- /*GUIConfig Lbl_GUIConfigs = Viewer configuration Tab_Config = Viewer configuration Tab_Colors = Colors Tab_ButtonBar = Button bar Tab_Button = Button Tab_Pane = Pane Tree_Colors = Colors Tree_Configs = Viewer configurations Tree_ButtonBars = Button bars Tree_ActionButtons = Action buttons Tree_MapViewerButtons = Viewer mode buttons Tree_PaneButtons = On/off buttons Tree_SinglePaneComponents = Panes Lbl_GUIConfigName = Name Tlt_GUIConfigName = Name of the configuration for recognizability in the Author Lbl_GuiConfigDescription = Additional info Tlt_GuiConfigDescription = Any additional information about the viewer configuration configuration. Lbl_GUIColorReset = Reset Tlt_GUIColorReset = Reset the color or alpha value to default value Lbl_GUIButtonBarName = Name Tlt_GUIButtonBarName = Name of the button bar for recognizability in the Author Lbl_GUIButtonBarPosition = Position (X,Y) in percentages Tlt_GUIButtonBarPosition = Position (X,Y) in percentages, for instance x=0 bar starts on the left side of the viewer Lbl_GUIButtonBarButtonSize = Button size Tlt_GUIButtonBarButtonSize = Button size in Screen pixels Lbl_GUIButtonBarInitVisible = Initially visible Tlt_GUIButtonBarInitVisible = Indicates if a buttonbar is visible after starting the viewer Lbl_GUIButtonBarButtons = Buttons Tlt_GUIButtonBarButtons = Buttons on this button bar Lbl_GUIButtonLabels = Label Tlt_GUIButtonLabels = Label on the button Lbl_GUIButtonToolTips = Tooltip Tlt_GUIButtonToolTips = Tooltip on the button Lbl_GUIButtonLabelPlacement = Position of the label text Tlt_GUIButtonLabelPlacement = Position of the label text in relation to the button Lbl_GUIButtonBaseUrl = Logo url Tlt_GUIButtonBaseUrl = Url of the logo Lbl_GUIPaneButton = On/off button Tlt_GUIPaneButton = Pane will be opened or closed by this button Lbl_GUIPaneButtons = Action Buttons Tlt_GUIPaneButtons = (Possible) Action buttons for this pane Lbl_GUIPaneTitles = Title Tlt_GUIPaneTitles = Title of a pane, shown at the top Lbl_GUIPaneColors = Colors Tlt_GUIPaneColors = Colors of a pane, the color of the margin and the background color of a pane Lbl_GUIPaneLightColor = Background Lbl_GUIPaneDarkColor = Margin Lbl_GUIPaneButtonResetColor = Reset Tlt_GUIPaneButtonResetColor = Reset the colors to default values Lbl_GUIPaneTransparent = Transparancy Tlt_GUIPaneTransparent = Indicates if pane has transparancy Lbl_GUIPaneInitVisible = Initially visible Tlt_GUIPaneInitVisible = Inidicates if a pane is visible after starting the viewer Lbl_GUIPanePosition = Position Tlt_GUIPanePosition = Position of a pane when opening in screen pixels compared to the top right edge of the viewer Lbl_GUIPaneWidth = Width Tlt_GUIPaneWidth = Width of the pane when opening in screen pixels Lbl_GUIPaneHeight = Height Tlt_GUIPaneHeight = Height of the pane when opening in screen pixels Lbl_GUIContentUrl = Url Tlt_GUIContentUrl = Url of the content of the pane Lbl_Admin = Admin