This application can be used for configuration of the Geoide Client/Viewer. Geoide Author itself does not contain data of maps or features, but configures the Geoide client for getting the right data from the specific services. If starting from zero,you have to add (or select) a new server first. After that a new context (group of maps) can be generated. Within this new context new maps can be generated, containing one or more layers. Layers may also be clustered in a group, called grouplayers. In each map you can add a search interface (query aspects), for search, select and zoom features in the map.
By following next steps, you can add new servers, contexts, maps, layers, grouplayers and search entries.

  Required fields are marked by a red star.

Add a new server
1. Select the tab "Servers".
2. Select in the tree the folder "Servers"; a "+" button to add servers will appear below the screen.
3. Click on this "+" button to open the "New Server" screen.
4. Please, fill in the required fields.
5. Confirm by clicking on the "OK" button.
6. The new server will appear in the tree and may be used for creating new contexts.

Create a new context
1. Select the tab "Contexts & Maps"
2. Select in the tree the folder "Contexts"; a "+" button to add contexts will appear below the screen.
3. Click on this "+" button to open the "New Context" screen..
4. Please, fill in the required fields.
5. Confirm by clicking on the "OK" button.
> 6. The new context will appear in the tree and may be used for adding new maps.

Add a new map in a context
1. Open the context folder by clicking on the small arrow in front of it.
2. Select the folder "Maps"; buttons to add a new or existing map will appear below the screen.

Add a new map:
3a. Click on "Map +" to add a new map; the "New Map" screen will be opened.
4a. Please, fill in the required fields.
5a. Confirm by clicking on the "OK" button.

Add an existing map:
3b. Click on the "Existing Map +" button.
4b. Open the combo box by clicking on the small arrow and select a map from the list.
5b. Confirm by clicking on the "OK" button.

6. The just added map will appear in the tree.

NB You may create directly a new layer or first a new grouplayer and then a new layer. Grouplayers may contain layers or other grouplayers.

Create a new Grouplayer
1. Open the map folder by clicking on the small arrow in front of it.
2. Click on the folder "Layer". The button "Group +" appears below the screen.
3. Click on "Group +" and the "New grouplayer" screen appears.
4. Fill in the required fields. 5. Confirm by clicking on the "OK" button.

Create a new layer
1. Open the map folder or grouplayer folder by clicking on the small arrow in front of it.
2. The button for adding layers (or grouplayers) appear below the screen.

3a. In order to add a new layer click on "Layer +". The "new layer" screen will appear.
4a. Please, fill in the required fields.
5a. Confirm by clicking on the "OK" button.

3b. In order to add an existing layer, click on the "Existing layer +" button.
4b. To add a new 'query aspect' click on "Queryaspect +". The "new query aspect" screen will appear.
5b. Confirm by clicking on the "OK" button.

3c. In order to add a new grouplayer click on "Grouplayer +". The "new grouplayer" screen will appear.
4c. Please, fill in the required fields.
5c. Confirm by clicking on the "OK" button.

6. The new layer appears in the tree.

Create a new search interface (query aspect)in the map
1. Open the folder of a map by clicking on the small arrow in front of it.
2. Select the folder "Queryaspects"

3a. To add a new 'query aspect' click on "+". The "new query apsect" screen will appear.
4a. Fill in the fields.
5a. Confirm by clicking on "OK".

3b. To add an existing 'query aspect' click on "Existing queryaspect +". The "Add existing query apsect" screen will appear.
4b. Open the combo box by clicking on the small arrow and select a query aspect from the list.
5b. Confirm by clicking on "OK".