deegree Web Perspective View Service (WPVS) is an open source implementation of the draft OpenGIS® Web Perspective View Service Implementation Specifications. It provides a simple HTTP GET interface for requesting 3D scenes from one or more distributed geospatial databases and/or data files. A WPVS request defines the geographic datasets (which are more or less equivalent to WMS layers), an area of interest, a position of the viewer and the view direction. The response to this request is one image (returned as JPEG, PNG, etc) containing the rendered view of the requested 3D scene.

The benefit of a WPVS is its ability to render complex 3D scenes for extremly large datasets with high performance on a server, while the results can be displayed in any web browser without any additional plugins. The WPVS demo comes with a simple HTML/JSP client that enables you to create and manipulate 3D scene views by clicking onto self explaining control elements.

Unfortunately, the WPVS specification never became an official OGC standard. deegree implements the draft version of 1.0.0 implementation specification from 2005-10-20.

Please note: The deegree3 WPVS implementation is already available which offers a massive performance improvement and even better rendering quality. For details see the deegree wiki.