deegree WMS ${deegree.version} - demo This directory contains several configuration files such as the central wms_configuration.xml, style definitions (SLD documents), configurations to access local WFS and WCS and XSLT scripts to transform GetFeatureInfo. You find additional wms configuration files to enable WMS 1.3.0 or a service version to validate against the OGC cite test engine. In the following, this ReadMe file describes, how to get the OpenStreetMap layers working +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ OpenStreetMap Slippy Map Layers ++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The OSM Slippy Map layers just need an active internet connection. They will not work behind a proxy. If there is an active internet connection, you can activate the OSM Slippy Map Layers by deleting the commentation tags in the wms_configuration.xml. For further information, have a look at the deegree WMS documentation. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ OpenStreetMap Bonn & NRW Layers ++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For these layers you need the geodata from How to get it, is described in the deegree wiki at : We used two OSM xml files for our example Layers. One for the Bonn dataset and one for the NRW dataset. The NRW file should include the data for Bonn. So it is adequate to import the NRW file. BoundingBox for the Bonn Dataset: 7.0137 7.2313 50.6415 50.795 BoundingBox for the NRW Dataset: 5.77 9.69 50.31 52.53 As described on the wiki page mentioned above, create a postgreSQL database with PostGIS. For creation of the database, the tool osm2pgsql is needed. How to get it is described in the wiki. Before executing the command for osm2pgsql, please change the file in osm2pgsql root location with the following: enable #way lcn_ref text linear #way rcn_ref text linear #way ncn_ref text linear #way lcn text linear #way rcn text linear #way ncn text linear #way lwn_ref text linear #way rwn_ref text linear #way nwn_ref text linear #way lwn text linear #way rwn text linear #way nwn text linear #way route_name text linear by deleting the # in every line. and add the line node cuisine text nocache Now the following command for osm2pgsql can be executed: Linux: ./osm2pgsql -h localhost -P 5432 -d deegreeosm -U deegreetest -W -p osm -l -s -C 1000 -S /datadirectory/nrw.osm.bz2 Windows: osm2pgsql.exe -h localhost -P 5432 -d deegreeosm -U deegreetest -W -p osm -l -s -C 1000 -S /datadirectory/nrw.osm.bz2 PLEASE NOTE: For our example it is recommended, to use the slim mode of osm2pgsql by adding "-s" to the command. A help for osm2pgsql is available by typing osm2pgsql -h , explaining the different command options. The database's name should be deegreeosm; user and password deegreetest. The next step is to run the shell/batch script "" from /wms-root/WEB-INF/scripts/shell(batch) Please check the source relations(please check the sql script /wms-root/WEB-INF/scripts/create_wmstable_from_osm.sql, too) in this script before running it! After that, the data is represented in the postgreSQL database. To get a better overview about the layer structure, the table below gives information about the layers and their corresponding database relations: Bonn dataset: Layername | database relation _______________|___________________ gastrobonn | bonn_gastro _______________|___________________ placeofworship | bonn_placeofworship _______________|___________________ roadbonn | bonn_roads _______________|___________________ expressway1b | bonn_roads _______________|___________________ expressway2b | bonn_roads _______________|___________________ motorway1b | bonn_roads _______________|___________________ motorway2b | bonn_roads _______________|___________________ roadlabelb | bonn_roads _______________|___________________ building | bonn_buildings _______________|___________________ label | bonn_buildings _______________|___________________ NRW Dataset: Layername | database relation _______________|___________________ railwaystation | railwaystation _______________|___________________ peak | peak _______________|___________________ airport | airport _______________|___________________ populatedplace | populatedplace _______________|___________________ adminboundaries| adminboundary _______________|___________________ motorway | roads _______________|___________________ railway | railway _______________|___________________ railway2 | railway _______________|___________________ watercourse | watercourse _______________|___________________ bodyofwaters | bodyofwaters _______________|___________________ landuse | landuse _______________|___________________ hikingway | hikingway _______________|___________________ cycleway | cycleway _______________|___________________ Finally, deleting the commentation tags from the layers in the wms_configuration.xml might make the layers working. For further information, have a look at the deegree WMS documentation. Bonn, ${}