Below are some examples to explain services usage by using HTTP/GET and KVP encoding. |
Basic WMS requests |
Request / Description | Result |
GetCapabilities Retrieve capabilities information |
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WMS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities
${}?request=GetCapabilities&version=1.1.1&service=WMS |
GetMap Retrieve a map from a WMS |
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WMS 1.1.1 GetMap
A simple GetMap Request: layers = StateOverview styles = default style HTTP KVP Request: REQUEST=GetMap SERVICE=WMS VERSION=1.1.1 WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=250 LAYERS=StateOverview TRANSPARENT=TRUE FORMAT=image/gif BBOX=210625.44883700498,4175983.9939139457, 697811.8183418702,4663170.363418811 SRS=EPSG:26912 STYLES= |
WMS 1.1.1 specialized GetMap
A specialized GetMap request layers = StateOverview, Vegetation, Lakes, Roads styles = default and BasicRoadsStyle HTTP KVP Request: REQUEST=GetMap SERVICE=WMS VERSION=1.1.1 WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=238 LAYERS=Vegetation,Lake,Roads TRANSPARENT=TRUE FORMAT=image/png BBOX=372233.9342431239,4460438,489069,4552689 SRS=EPSG:26912 STYLES=default,default,default |
GetFeatureInfo Some examples for GetFeatureInfo requests |
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WMS 1.1.1 GetFeatureInfo StateBoundary + Counties
A GetFeatureInfo request with html output, (Layers 'StateBoundary' and 'Counties')
WMS 1.1.1 GetFeatureInfo Count Boundaries + StateBoundary
A GetFeatureInfo request with GML output, (Layers 'StateBoundary' and 'Counties')
DescribeLayer Some examples for DescribeLayer requests: |
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WMS 1.1.1 DescribeLayer StateBoundary
A DescribeLayer request on Layer 'StateBoundary'
WMS 1.1.1 DescribeLayer Roads
A DescribeLayer request on Layer 'Roads'